Pre-registration policy


Many people were unaware of Southern Michigan's pre-registration policy so here it is.

Send an e-mail to by midnight the Monday before an event with the following information:
Player name
Character name
How you wish to spend any free build (I can e-mail you back with an exact number at your request)
List of spells for the weekend (this can be changed at Saturday logistics so don't worry about being stuck)
List of magic item effects (ex: cloak gift 2/d, etc)
-please include MI numbers and phys rep descriptions
How you want to spend production if you have any
If you want to spend goblin stamps on anything and if so, how you want to spend them
If you plan on eating tavern food

You do this and you get 30 goblin stamps per event you pre-register for. It will help logistics go faster especially if you are a magic user. This will hopefully also help Matt with food purchasing for the tavern.

Also, if you pre-reg by the deadline (Monday night before the event) you will receive a $10 discount on your event fee!
Pre-reg event cost: $45
At the door event cost: $55

Thank you,
Head of Logistics SoMi
IG: Sloane