Preparing for the Market-Get the most out of your Merchants! (Barter Spotlight)

Hello adventurers! It's Willem with a hot tip for how to maximize your individual profit from this next Market Day: Barter!

I know you already know the concept exists, but it might be worth looking back over it if you find yourself short of consumables, armor pieces or luxuries. While not every Merchant (even on the Row) will take barter as a form of payment, every one I've talked to will consider it at least, so there's nothing lost by asking. What's more, there are forms of Barter that don't even involve the trading of hard goods! Here are some forms of Barter I've seen used to great effect on my travels:

Trade/"You attached to that Necklace?"-Trading a good on your person for a thing at a stall is the hallmark of Bartering, and typically what one thinks of as Bartering. Most Merchants accept this form of Barter. Bringing a bag of extra goodies is a great way to avoid paying too much.

Hawking/Speeching- Trading a set amount of time that you spend doing a service for the Merchant. Sometimes this involves a "Step right up, Ladies and Gentlemen!" approach, and sometimes it involves taking a tray of goods around to tempt adventurers around the Tavern and executing sales.

A Friend In Need- Sometimes a Merchant is just too successful (tired) to adventure. Such an enterprising individual might tap younger adventurers to do tasks for them for the price of some goods. Those that adventure *always* get their split in loot, though. Don't fall for any crap.

Community Service- This broad form of bartering is one of the most creative. Sometimes it involves cleaning the tavern, or washing dishes, or paying a genuine compliment to 10 people. I've also seen a unique composed poem or song count as a legitimate Barter.

There you go! A bunch of ways to support your local merchants and still not go broke! I will take questions.

-Willem Rivet
Owner of the Dragon's Hoard
Oh! I forgot about Production!
Most Merchants will take Production instead of Coin. The only real debate between Merchants is whether to accept those trades as half-value or full value trades. The debate rages on, with strong voices on both sides. Myself, if I have excess coin, I offer to buy that Production straight out, whether or not someone then uses it at my stall.

Also, occasionally you'll find treasure out there that seems to have value but little use. Merchants usually accept these things as currency.

Keep sassy!