Preparing to depart

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Standing in his quarters Isawda looks about him at the amount of items that have accumulated. As long as he and Ithawda traveled they had always carried only the most basic of supplies. Now with his time in the area, and his commitment to the Earth Circle, that was not longer the case.

Facing the upcoming trip to Shaundalar hard choices would have to be made. Even if he was to find a horse that suited his needs, and matched his personality, they was simply too much for it all to travel on. With a sigh he begins to place aside those things that will have to remain behind. Hopefully the Enclave with store or find use for them.

(OOG If you want a Ritual cast by Isawda, let him know well before the event, including what the Ritual is so he can register correctly and bring required items. Price goes WAY up for any Ritual cast without notice! (grin) )
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