Prereg for October 30th-November 1st now CLOSED!

Re: Prereg for October 30th-November 1st now open! Due Oct 25th

Man, we have a bunch of NPCs this time!
Re: Prereg for October 30th-November 1st now open! Due Oct 25th

Lets get those preregistrations in folks, I can count 8 folks that claim to be attending (at least) that haven't submitted yet. Not only that but with expected attendance we only need a couple more folks (out of the many many that we haven't heard from yet) we might just break our season opener record for attendance, what a great way to end out the first season!
Re: Prereg for October 30th-November 1st now open! Due Oct 25th

I have one person that I am bringing along with that is not Alex or Courtney. (just moved recently and they are focusing on getting settled in and everything)
I still have to get a hold of my second buddy that may join on Saturday. He goes to college in Saint Cloud but I don't think he can stay for full event. He was stoked when I told him about it.
Will know by tomorrow along with pre-reg.

2 more npc's!!!!!!!!!
Re: Prereg for October 30th-November 1st now open! Due Oct 25th

The suspense is killing me!!!!
Re: Prereg for October 30th-November 1st now open! Due Oct 25th

Last day folks! Even if you don't have your card and skill info yet, at least let us know you're coming!
Re: Prereg for October 30th-November 1st now open! Due Oct 25th

Prereg list has been updated with everyone that has submitted a full pre-reg. I can count a half dozen people off the top of my head (quite literally) that we should be seeing preregs from by midnight!
Re: Prereg for October 30th-November 1st now open! Due Oct 25th

Preregs will be closing early in the morning when I compile the list for the camp site, but I'm pleased, excited, and eager to say our season closer will officially be our biggest event ever! with a beautiful 38 (thats thirty-eight!) preregistrations confirmed which puts us awefully close to a 40 person game! (might get there anyway, we have quite a few still trying to make it out/deciding if they want to come try this experience we call larp!)
Preregistration if officially closed, big thanks to everyone for getting your info in on schedule, with such a fantastic turn out, its a great help to know what we are dealing with and should prepare for!
This event is going to be amazing! I'm not going to get anything else done this week because I can't focus on anything else!!!
I WISH I could do nothing this week, but alas, I have other things to work on that need to get done.
Unfortunately it is too late to reserve additional cabin space, However should things become cramped we will be offering sleeping quarters in the shelter beneath Monster camp for those that need a break from the action, although this space will not be available immediately after game on, and we would prefer people sleep in the PC cabin and with Tents if the weather is permitting, rest assure we have plenty of heated bunk space should the weather prove it nessasary.
Terrel said:
39 people.


I suppose this means, I pick a really, really bad event to start 'winging it' huh?
Update to my previous post, I flexed my muscles, stomped my feet, and did all sorts of outrageous things and have obtained an additional PC cabin for this event! As always our first goal is to make sure everyone has the best experience possible, and with the colder weather we expect less tent users to be on hand so having another heated cabin should be just what the earth Guild acolyte ordered!

Menu for this weekend:

Friday night:
Midnight nuggets
Hot apple cider
Misc snacks

Saturday - Breakfast:
Oatmeal (veggie-only option)

Saturday - Dinner:
Beef and veggie Stew
Bean Burrito (veggie-only option)
French Bread
TBD Dessert

Saturday - Evening:
Remaining snacks & Dessert
Remaining Cider
Mac & Cheese? :)

McGregor's special brews :D
Lurin said:
I suppose this means, I pick a really, really bad event to start 'winging it' huh?

No, just based off last event. 11 more than last.

Dr_Chill said:

Menu for this weekend:

If you would have me, I could maybe pick up a few things as well.
Who's pumped for tomorrow!?!?!?
I've borrowed a GPS,so I reallly hope I don't get lost this time >.>