Preregistration for February 20th now Closed!


Thats right, Preregistration pricing will end Sunday the 14th, please make sure to let us know if you are coming!

As the second of our Iron Man events this event titled 'The Western Woodlands' Will feature a new unvisited part of Gaden, Poised on the western edge of the country the large woodlands of western Gaden are filled with hunters, woodsmen, dryads and others not often seen in more civilized lands.

For a list/form for preregistration check our website at

Simply fill it out and send it to! For Convience I've included the list of things to include at the bottom of this post for those people who would prefer to have it all within their Pre-reg Email.

Preregistered Players
1.)Josh Clark
2.)Brandon Manty
3.)Andrew Wolpers
4.)David Raatz
5.)Alison Anderson
6.)Mariah Sletten
7.)Chris Kiefer
8.)Andrew Cameron
9.)Paige Hubbell
10.)Sam Oestreicher
11.)Andrew White
12.)David Tengdin
13.)Mike Hurl
14.)George Arceneaux
15.)Sarah Sprague
16.)Alexander Thompson
17.)Brent Woodward
18.)Ryan Burhke
19.)Eli Zink (need a card/character)

Preregistered NPCs

1.)Emilynn Henderson
2.)Stephen Stana
3.)Joy Clark
4.)Emma Berg
5.)David Glaeser
6.)Zachary Berg
7.)Corey Burton
8.)Peter Haugen
9.)Ben Linton
10.)Josh King

Player Name:

Character Name:

Home Chapter:

Current Membership (If not Southern Minnesota) :

Build and Goblin Stamp Expenditures (include exactly how you want to spend your free build and goblin stamps.):

NOTE: You may spend up to 50 goblin points/stamps per day of an event for production items, at a cost of 1 goblin stamp per production point. So for a weekend event you could get up to 100 production points worth of stuff. Which is handy for scoring an extra suit of armor, some cure light wounds potions, or some useful battle magic scrolls.

Daily Skills Needed (PTD skills, racial skills, etc.):

Production and Craftsman (Please include how many levels you have, and what you area making, make sure to mention any Workshops etc.):

Memorized Spells (Please separate by school and level.):

Magic Items (Please include all details about the items and tags needed.):

Tags Needed (Please include anything from a previous event that you need a proper tag for. For magic items include all details.):
NOTE: You do not receive new armor tags at the start of each event; this is only done at your first event.

Second Day Tags (We would prefer that you list all the tags that you will need for the second day as well. However, you will be allowed to switch out any spell tags or production at the second day logistics.):

Daily Skills Needed (PTD skills, racial skills, etc.):

Production and Craftsman (include how many levels you have and how they are being used in detail):

Memorized Spells (separated by school and level):

Magic Items (include all details about the items and tags needed):
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

Hrm 5 to 3 so far, PCS are going to have a rough event it seems...
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

PC's always take a long time to pre-reg...
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

Of course we do. I can't let Dave or anyone else think that I am organized :) That would just be absurd!

Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

Remember folks only a mere 5 days remain to preregister, get that information in so we know to add more loot to the pile!
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

I plan to be doing mine this weekend. School has started so the week is extremely busy.
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

I assume this event goes from about 10 to about 6 or 7, like last time?
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

Only two days left to Pre-Reg, i just did mine! Go go go!
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

I did mine!! but I think they are holding it hostage for theatrical suspense...
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

I did mine as well. A few days ago, in fact.
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

Dave is currently at an event. No surprise if it takes him until Monday or Tuesday to get that posted, he's on vacation.
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

Thats just all part of the conspiracy...don't try and protect him! Or we will take you down with him!
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

I'll be there as an NPC!
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

To NPCs for the event: PLEASE Pre-reg. I am going to need an accurate head count, especially if you're not going to be at the game before game on. Please PM me if you are not going to be there on time.
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

Alright mates, thanks to the grace of the good people at Delta I'm back in town, I'll be updating the pre-reg list, give me some times as I have to verify/log etc. all attendees so it might be an hour or so before it actually visibly updates, but if you HAVEN'T preregged, you should do so now as there are less then 6 hours left!
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

I thoughts the deadline was yesterday Dave?
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

ah well its too late to take it back now, looks like people get an extra few hours to get in under the wire ^.^