Preregistration for February 20th now Closed!

Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

Eli is a newbie and does not have a card or a character made.
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

we've been sicking newbie marshals on him, either way he's good to go.
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

awesome. i also have another friend who wasn't able to pre-reg so i've been leaning on him to NPC. i might have to resort to bribery. NO NPCing = no ride for you.
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

Micah Miller and Josh King are attending as NPCs, but they apparently have been too lazy to send in a pre-reg, despite my reminders.
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

Josh king sent one in, I was just waiting to verify that he wanted to npc and to recieve the all important allergy info ^.^
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

Yeah, he's going to NPC. He doesn't have his whole PC figured out stats/character/outfit wise. I don't know what he's allergic to, though.
Re: Preregistration for February 20th now Open! Due Feb 14th!

I have got a friend who believes he is coming, Thursday we'll know for sure. It's leaning more towards a yes, and a PC. Also, he's checking with other folks to possibly join in as well. Just the heads up!