Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am pleased to inform you that preregistration for the Sept 17-19 event in Chicago is NOW OPEN!

For preregistration now on, we need: MIs, build expenditures, high magic, and goblin stamp expenditures. You will circle your column on-site (don't forget a pen!).[/
Preregistered people will pay only $30 for the event. Those who do not preregister will pay $40 at the door.

New rulebooks will be available for $20. You can reserve one as a part of your preregistration.

Memberships will also be available for sale. For those attending in person, it is a part of your event fee. If you are planning on pay no playing or gobbying the event, it is $15 additional to renew. This also gives you a $15 discount on the first event you attend in person, if you make it out to Chicago.

You can prepay for the event via Paypal. There is a $2 surcharge for doing so, to offset the Paypal fees.

The email address for Paypal, as well as preregistration emails, is

NPCing in Chicago is ALWAYS FREE!

The preregistration deadline is Sept 15th at Midnight!

The site address is:

3640 Scout Road
Kirkland, IL 60146

See you there!

Preregistered PCs (28):
David Glaeser
Paul Foisy
Adam Rosenfield
Katie Fountaine
Seamus Costello
Victoria Pacillo
Ryan Zabawa
Carrie Smurr
Emilynn Rhoades
Xander Thompson
Daphne Poineal
Josh Clark (prepaid)
Andrea Rognli
Tim Sireno
Jenn Sireno
Teague McKinney
Andrew Cameron
Matt Byers
Chris Thetford
Robert Ordiway
David Tengdin (prepaid)
Amanda Feigenheimer
Aaron Verzwyvelt
Dawn Hodgkins
William Hodgkins
Kim Hodgkins
Matt Nottelmann

Cards But No Prereg (2):
Evan Christensen
Chris Matta

Preregistered NPCs (11):
Soren Haurberg
Robert Sachs
Nathan Klisch (Mini-John Greenwood)
Jon Fowler
Jessica Fowler
Jennifer Farrell
David Block
Erin Block
Adam Peckron
Alex Elliott
Chris Lundeen
Uh Oh..... I see more NPCs that PCs so far...... we're out numbered! :D
Thats what wards are for! I'm just jazzed I got top billing on the preregistration list :-p.

And all you SoMNers out there, get your pre-regs in!

I'll actually be PCing a good chunk of this one... please switch me out.

Oh and lopsided NPC/PC ratios is what Magic Storms are for.

hmmm, two couples and or brother sister groups NPCing, awesome
Lurin said:
And all you SoMNers out there, get your pre-regs in!
I did! I blame you for me not being on the list, Dave!
Paul is still missing from the list.... :shock:
Eldandiril said:
Paul is still missing from the list.... :shock:

Maybe he's not coming? :-p. I'm trying to get my roommate Evan to make an appearence as it looks like he might actually have the time to make a game again.
Eldandiril said:
Uh Oh..... I see more NPCs that PCs so far...... we're out numbered! :D

Well he has to pre-reg in order to be on the list.
I have a gobby item to get listed and made (hopefully) before I send in my pre-reg... hopefully I'll have it to you in the next 2 days.
It would be appreciated if you would pre-reg now and you can update it later with the new item.
I am gonna play but have not registered yet. Bad Amanda. Who is ready for an emo Liddia?

I feel slightly afraid of the almost 1 to 1 ration with NPC's I hope more people register to PC! *eeps and hides* :shock: