I will attempt to talk the wife into allowing me enough of my money into bringing the family out again to Chicago. We just went to South MI, and it will likely be a hard sell.

Any suggetions of lines or tactics to use?

Come to Chicago. It may rain but you can always silence a fox kin. :P Just kidding.
Profitable chair sitting operation?
Your daughter hasn't been out her yet since it was just the High Orc, Squirel, and Bear last time.
The owner is actually gonna get to PC this time :o
Aaron (sp?),

tell her you guys are going grocery shopping to get her in the car... she wont be angry at you by the time you get to site. :)

Heres a couple of choice arguments:

-Its good family bonding time
-Your son (Runt?) needs to get his spellbook i'll bring it to the event.
-Your just X build away from Y goal. (fill in for x and y with something close)
-Jehan will be there (can be a negative for many :) )
-Like 3 owners are going to be there (again can be a negative)
-Plot is a blank slate... wanna get involved early.

Be great to see you guys there. Call me if you need anything.


AllianceCHI said:
Aaron (sp?),

tell her you guys are going grocery shopping to get her in the car... she wont be angry at you by the time you get to site. :)

Heres a couple of choice arguments:

-Its good family bonding time
-Your son (Runt?) needs to get his spellbook i'll bring it to the event.
-Your just X build away from Y goal. (fill in for x and y with something close)
-Jehan will be there (can be a negative for many :) )
-Like 3 owners are going to be there (again can be a negative)
-Plot is a blank slate... wanna get involved early.

Be great to see you guys there. Call me if you need anything.



Also, Runt needs to meet other high orcs.
EricMarsters said:
Also, Runt needs to meet other high orcs.

Ya, the favorite PC High Orc of nationals will be there... =P!

As in she won the Best PC out of over a 100 people =P

I do pay gold to sleep in your massive makes me look tiny chair of badassatude..... Its profitable and we love you all.

if all else fails use the, "I promise to clean the garage next week arguement" :P

OK, after much begging and pleading. You don't want to see Aaron all begging like. It's not very becoming and a bit scary. Well add in the fact he agreed to me getting my little laptop early (I still have to pay the house budget back when my school loan comes in.) BUT..... I have agreed to going to the event. Will have to pack light, seeing that the whole family is coming. Yes the Ninja Rabbit is going to be joining us (That would be our daughter for those who have not met her).

So in short. After I was untied and let free from the torture these people put my through. We will be attending.

Don't, Gnot, Runt, and Hossinpheffer.

See ya all there,
Dawn / Don't the Squirrel
Please get your preregs in!
Well, I'm pre-regged, but you won't likely be seeing me there. School's apparently decided I still don't need any money to live on, so going to game is out of the question.

Have fun, you guys!
Yes! I have never meet a ninja rabbit I met a ninja bat once, but, we do not talk about him. Oh and I am now preregged so no hunting Gandian....unless we roast him up and eat him with fries. :lol: Yum elf!

Pokethulu said:
Yes! I have never meet a ninja rabbit I met a ninja bat once, but, we do not talk about him. Oh and I am now preregged so no hunting Gandian....unless we roast him up and eat him with fries. :lol: Yum elf!


We could always perm Liddia and play bloodball with her head! Then for dinner... Mmmm... elf wrapped in MWE bacon....
EricMarsters said:
Pokethulu said:
Yes! I have never meet a ninja rabbit I met a ninja bat once, but, we do not talk about him. Oh and I am now preregged so no hunting Gandian....unless we roast him up and eat him with fries. :lol: Yum elf!

We could always perm Liddia and play bloodball with her head! Then for dinner... Mmmm... elf wrapped in MWE bacon....
That's what we call Apatow food!