Pretend that you are are dead for a minute..


Well, not really dead, but um, like if you were a spirit in need of resurrection. I've been working real hard on my first ressurection story and while it's not done yet, I'd really like to know if this kinda thing would get your attention and make you want to come back from eatting a mace to the face or something. This is just the start, and I think maybe that the rest needs to be a bit more focused depending on who the person resurrecting is.

I’m going to tell you a story about a place that doesn’t really exist, that never really existed, but it’s a place that kind of exists everywhere too. The important thing is that many of the people in this place were very like some of the people of you know, and some of the people were not. While this place doesn’t exist, the things that happened there, happen other places too and we can learn from the stories of what happened at this place.

There was once a great city on a mountaintop, this city was filled with people, both powerful and those that served them. The people who lived there included mighty warriors that could face any foe without flinching; diplomats that could find the common desires between even the most disparate of people; merchants who tended their wealth carefully, always having stores of the most difficult to find supplies, potions, and elixirs; and Philosophers that could string together the meaning of events that did not seem related and reveal mysteries and common threads that would reveal the true meaning.

Of course all those people on the mountain that led were joined by others; the crafters who made things for the merchants to trade or store; the Healers who tended to the injuries of the warriors, and kept the city free of disease and injury; the assistants, aspiring warriors, or diplomats whose talents were not great enough to serve in those roles; and the workers, who cleaned the city, brought the water in, and did many other small tasks.

This city was known throughout the lands in which it existed as a mighty player, called upon to moderate negotiations, or to put down great threats of a chaotic or natural nature. Their philosophers were sought to make sense of the most complicated, or most tenuous connections between events, and their merchants could be depended on to have the most vital of supplies available almost instantly.

For many years the city thrived, the people without great power or ability taking care of those with the ability, who in turn took care of the rest of their world. Unfortunately this was not to last and the great city fell, not from a threat from an outside, but from a threat from within that all groups must confront.
For what it counts, I think it's a beautiful story Jehyu.
-Thorgrim Stoneaxe
I guess only one person thought anything of it, I guess maybe I should leave the resurrection stories to the real healers...

..sorry for bothering you, I was just trying to help maybe.


Not all who speak are all who listened. I think your tale turned out splendidly, and I wish you the best in guiding back spirits in the years to come.

May the Light guide you, and the Shadow guard your path,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
I would rez just to hear the rest of it, but I may be a little...a bit...okay, a lot biased.

I like stories. :D

I have yet to rez Jehyu, so I don't know what a good rez story would be. However it is a good story. I enjoyed it.

-Skye Nevermore