
Marcena said:
He's around? What mean you?

The one that cursed Kagan is around.
Dhen I shall call 'im mi fratello and ask 'im to speak out on jus' what he eez doingk or wit' me in private about dhis.

Be careful what you ‘wish’ for it just might come true. The one who cursed Kagan cursed me once. He has a troubled past and has more influence than one can imagine. He is ancient and he has been wronged. I do not know his motivations but, he sees and knows and is closer to us then we know. There are things that lurk in the darkness…

Miss Gaddi - Though I applaud your attempts to act in the town's best interest, speaking or dealing with undead is never a good idea, nor is it a particularly lawful one. I would ask that you cease communication with this creature. Chaos is cunning and nefarious, and has no understanding of truth. Believe nothing it tells you, for it's only goal is the utter destruction of all life and Earth.

Renlee Firstborne
Captain - Brotherhood of the Light
First, I would like to inform you dhat I am no longer a Gaddi. Dhose dhat made me such are wit' dhe ancestors now...may dhey all continue living well.

and Secondly, t'ank you, Mr. Firstborne. I shall speak wit' Effram, too about dhis. Dhere are powerful Romani curses swarming around dhose parts. I 'ave ne'er seen a Roma curse do such to someone like dhis.

Do you know anyting about dhis?
Dhis eez dhe last ting he say to me. Dhe las' ting he will e'er say to me.

"My Lady,

I have done my best to answer as thourougly as I can. Remembering that your ability to force me to do your bidding is limited through the dreamrealm... especially in private.

I am an Undead creature in the body of a DeathKnight. I am not bottled and will most likely permanently die at my destruction.

I serve the Lady Death and have no knowledge of being cursed beyond my current form.

You cannot order me to assure my death.

Major Kagan"

Apparently, orderingk him to go to Effram eez assuring him deat'.
I say again, communicating with this creature is dangerous and illegal. Undead have no sense of honour, integrity, law or even mortal thought. They are nothing but Chaos pretending to be Life. This corpse would be your best friend, right until it eats you and your family. It is not telling the truth, and everything it says is designed to hurt you or those you love.

Not to mention, speaking with this creating could be considered an act of conspiracy, and there are those who would pursue you as an undead collaborator. These are no small charges.

Renlee Firstborne
Captain - Brotherhood of the Light
All of it is a lie. Even if this creature has sprinkled in some accurate information, it's all designed to obscure the truth and hurt people. Unlike Earth, Chaos can pretend or take on facades in order to better sow destruction and death. Don't trust anything it says or any action it takes! I tell you this for your own good and for that of all people, the only safe response to undead is their immediate destruction. Now, have you ceased conversations with this creature?

Renless Firstborne
Captain - Brotherhood of the Light
Aye, of course. I were jus' trying to see if I could order it to help dhe town wit' dhe problems it already has. No sense in nye trying to when dhe adventurers of dhe town already have so much on dheir plate.
Mobius said:
All of it is a lie. Even if this creature has sprinkled in some accurate information, it's all designed to obscure the truth and hurt people. Unlike Earth, Chaos can pretend or take on facades in order to better sow destruction and death. Don't trust anything it says or any action it takes! I tell you this for your own good and for that of all people, the only safe response to undead is their immediate destruction. Now, have you ceased conversations with this creature?

Renless Firstborne
Captain - Brotherhood of the Light

Captain Firstborne,

You're going after Kagan, I assume... right? If so... I'd love it if the Order gave me first crack at him. I may need a little cover if he has his army with him... but I want Kagan myself.

Garmok Stoneskull
Garmok, While I can't promise you will be the only defender of the Light fighting this undead, I can promise the Brotherhood will include you in all missions to bring this creature down. I am always willing to fight alongside Briarpass for her warriors have shown themselves to be great and honorable.

But, my brother, I warn you from thinking of this creature as anything but an undead. He might look like your old enemy and his voice and actions might remind you of your bloodfeud, but he is nothing of the sort. Chaos seeks to deceive your mind and unsteady your hand by acting as though it were still alive. Don't believe it. The only truth is that all undead, regardless of what they look like, should be destroyed. There is nothing of "Kagan" left, don't be fooled into losing your head seeking revenge on someone who has already passed on.

Renlee Firstborne
Captain - Brotherhood of the Light
Ah, so he eez nye jus' a necromancer dhat can be punished like one, he eez undead completely. Dhis eez good to know.
Yes Marci in Wayside the presence of Rom still cause undead to craw from their graves.

Alright, dhen. I show up long enough to help remove Stoneskull's cures, dhen I leave so not'ing els' happens because I'm dhere.