Prism, Pant, Am, Circle, Tabin, Bella, Keely, and the Hollow

It seems many creatures assume the Faerie-Kin are easy targets for their evil deeds and nefarious acts in many of our lands. Perhaps it is because of our affinity to the magic of the Fae Realms that gives them this perception.

It looks like it is time once again to prove them very, very wrong.

I will be unable to aid you and yours at this time, but I wish you bring death to the one that plagues our kind in your lands.

Dame Lady Knight Wildescent Nightwolf ~ White Rose Keep, Kingdom of Arrandin
aka Lady Death
tieran said:

Did you just call Ator a jerk, then call yourself a prick, and then thank him for the behavior that you had previously identified as jerkish?

Just trying to keep score here...


Correction Tieran.

I didn't call him a jerk at all. I pointed out his error.

The rest of your tally is accurate.

Does that make me the loser here?

One Shield; Meaningless Without All Others,
Riddick Dale

You have my most sincere apologies for summarizing your ever so astute ramblings into one word.

And to answer your question, yes, but not just here.

And good luck friend.

Though I have found a new home. I do not forget where I come from and I still long to find a way back to such lands. There are many loose ends that need to be tied up. If a way back is found please speak of it and inform me, I shall be grateful. And proudly stand with you all once again to help make sense of things.

-Lieutenant Ithica of Ashbury, Ash Forest Legion E. Commander of the Immortal Legioneers.