Problems in Terna - May Edition


Chicago Staff
I can't keep quiet about zome things so what better vay to use zhat skill than to help everyone learn what things are important to us zhis market.

- 9 Little Liches: A lich split himself into 9, because 10 was too much and now he is scattered to the realms of Fortanis. Should be easy to pick off vone by vone.
- Portals: Obviously an issue. Anyone know how to close zhem?
- Zhat Waystone Goblin
- Finding Driders to harvest Silk (zhis is low priority as it's more a personal thing. Anyone know vhere a drider is?)

Anything ve can deal with in Anret? I know zhe Solanari are great folks who know a good product when zhey see one. Also, her Majesty zhe Sapphire Queen could not be nicer..from personal letters and all...

Anywho, ve should share and compile information! I'll continue to add to zhis once people chime in, or I hear things. Or, ve can keep it to ourselves.

A simple Scribe,
Gregory Renaldo Binks III
As I make due to sail in a few days I vanted to make sure I could record a recollection to be written out and passed to as many people as possible. Zhis may help in furthering task zhou vish to do or just simply vish to understand the current goings on. I should have something fully written down and sent out via pigeon tomorrow evening.

A simple scribe,