Procurement of weapons and potions


Good evening! My name is Basil Saesonne. I will be visiting the area soon, and find myself ill equipped for an extended visit. More specifically, I am looking for three steel throwing axes, and several healing potions. If anyone can assist me in procuring these items, I would be extremely grateful. Please contact me privately for specifics and methods of payment.

The very best regards and wishes for your continued health and enjoyment, and success in your endeavors,
Basil Saesonne.
Greetings, goodman Saesonne;

I am sure I can satisfy your need for Earth potions, though I do not know if I have the throwing axes you desire. Come see me at the new settlement in a week's time or so.

-Lord Polare Lissenstine of Andar
Thank you, Lord Lissenstine. I look forward to meeting you.

As to the axes, I assume you will be at the new settlement as well, Squire Tanis? If so, I shall be glad to meet you there as well. Many thanks!

Best regards,
Basil Saesonne