Project S.W.E.E.T.S.

So as you're all aware, winter is a season with functionally nothing going on in our community except going stir crazy with a side of cabin fever. So since that blows like London solar power, and I both hate blowage and am a genius, I give to you project S.W.E.E.T.S. Designed to aid bored LARPers in Surviving Winter's Essentially Empty Thauphideon Schedual, S.W.E.E.T.S. will provide us all with a projected fun increase of some 2600% and is easy to type one handed on a keyboard. The primary thrust is to organize, schedule and execute a tabletop style game via the uncharted and totally unmastered internet medium. Since Jamie shares for major traits with the Grinch, she won't let me offer Gobbies in exchange for innovation or exploratory effort, so we're doing this for the TEAM, man. Any discoveries or inventions that enable me to try and murder you all via RNG from the comfort of my swivel chair are toward the common goal of enjoying said long range vicarious homicide.

And go!

Oh wait...its "make a tabletop game." Couldn't see it through all the verbose clutter.

Sweet! I'm in :)
MapTools from is a fantastic, easily-adaptable, java-based (cross-platform) program which creates a virtual tabletop perfect for these types of online TTRPGs...oh yeah, and it's totally free! :hahaha:

Good Luck and be safe! :p
Okay, so the RP tools are nearly as sweet as project S.W.E.E.T.S. itself. Now we need a prospective player group and a decision as to what system and style should be adopted.

Contenders, weigh in.

TLDR: LFM DD or nething full on GMs.
Dan, there is a prrogram called Goto Meeting which offers introductory usage. I have used this in the past with a group trying to play an online D&D game. It was a little cumbersome, but allowed everyone to participate from their own home and see a shared screen. Combined with Ventrilo, it worked fairly well. Just some thoughts

It's kind of a standard answer for "what system should we use," but GURPS is a good system that can be used for just about any setting or style of game. I'd recommend GURPS for the system. Also, count me in 100% for this. I miss doing things with all of you.
Devil's advocate: GURPS is like a gateway drug to itself. You start with the simplest possible version, and then you add extra source material because it seems pretty cool, then some optional rules involving psionics because one player really wants to try it, and then halfway through your fourth reread of the vehicles supplement you have a moment of clarity when you realize that you haven't had a real interaction with a person in days, you're obsessively trying to build Megatron using four different books laid out on the floor (and for a FANTASY campaign) and you don't even recognize yourself anymore.
Aren't there Alliance TTRPG rules at the end of the rulebook?

BTW, MapTools can be adjusted to ANY gaming system...I've played D&D on there, I've heard of others who play LoTR games or StarWars...I've even played a Zombie Apocalypse game, using the d20 Modern system (it was freakin' AWESOME until people's obligations got in the way of gaming each week).

MapTools is exactly what it claims to be: a virtual tabletop (with some goodies built-in). It gives you a "map" and allows you to place "tokens" on it to represent characters and also has some nifty built-in stuff like adding line-of-sight obstacles (walls, trees, etc.) and vision ranges to different tokens. It has a built-in text chat and gives the GM the ability to write macros for everything, if he wants to put in the time to automate things. It was really nice when you were standing next to Zombies #1,3, and 5 in a room of 20 and when you clicked on your baseball bat, it popped up an options window with only 1,3, and 5 in it for you to hit....ahh, good times....
It's true, GURPS has so many different options that it can get overwhelming. Setting solid limits on what books to use would help, though. D&D 3.5 is always a good option for a fantasy RPG, so long as there are clear guidelines on what books can or can't be used in the campaign.
I think it goes without saying, 'Human Occupied Landfill' is the only game system ready to bring the requisite level of awesome. With the single available expansion book - "Buttery Wholesomeness" - you can safely say you won't spend a week locked in the basement with supplements looking for the lost code to the dead sea scrolls, or even a good recipe for quiche. It also includes the time honored 'you can die during character creation' rules Traveler made so popular (not really) back in the day, along with loads of charts; lots and lots of charts. If that doesn't make you want to play, I don't know what will.
The best Traveler character I ever had died in my third reenlist while creating him. Sageen karro a Darrian Navy man,
from the Spinward Marches. I still miss him.
Northern Ben
I have recently enjoyed Hunter: The Vigil.

I've wanted to try All Flesh Must Be Eaten for years.
Deadlands said:
I have recently enjoyed Hunter: The Vigil.

I've wanted to try All Flesh Must Be Eaten for years.

Agreed! All the new World of Darkness (by White Wolf Games) books are awesome.
Anyone one else who wants to contribute to project S.W.E.E.T.S. is encouraged to get their foot in the door now, since the ultimate deadline of When I Decide It's Been Long Enough is approaching at the same speed as all deadlines: one nerve-wracking second at a time.
Dan Nickname Beshers said:
Anyone one else who wants to contribute to project S.W.E.E.T.S. is encouraged to get their foot in the door now, since the ultimate deadline of When I Decide It's Been Long Enough is approaching at the same speed as all deadlines: one nerve-wracking second at a time.


*runs head first through door*
OH MAN....if only I had my own computer. I'd love to play. I'm bored. But since I got snowshoes for christmas I guess I'll be out walking on snow and thinking of how to make Alliance work on snowshoes in the winter!!

:pinch: wishing for a computer hehehhe

hope you guys have a fun time...Ben is really fun at table top chars ALWAYS get killed when he is the story master person