Protectors of the Earth Guild


With the recent rise in undead activity, it seems like a good time to put out a call for more to join the Protector Branch of the Earth Guild. Defenders and Protectors of the Earth Guild serve as the sword arm of the Earth Guild: defending its Healers in their pursuits and rooting out Necromancy wherever it lies. Those interested in joining the Protectors Branch don't need to know anything of Earth Magic, though it certainly doesn't hurt.

I'm inviting anyone in Shademarch interested in joining the Protectors Branch to speak with me in Horizon this weekend before the Ritual of Remembrance. Among the adventurers, we have Defender Roff and myself, a Protector. More would absolutely be welcome.

Anyone interested in joining the Healers Branch should probably talk to Asher or Jamina.

Protector of the Earth Guild