Public Knowledge Around the Golden Horn


OOG: The following is common knowledge or rumor making its way around the Golden Horn.
-Baron Greymere has named local farmer Mosby Whipplemire, mayor of Landfall.

-Mayor Whipplemire has announced he is in search of a bride; all single women are encouraged to apply.

-A circle of power was put up in the tavern during the night
Inside the circle is a chair with a note from a slave trader named Tiberius, offering a bounty of 25 gold for Virid, a wild elf adventurer.

-The Harkonians razed the village of Darkened Vale, along the mountain range towards the Western coast.
A handful of refugees from Darkened Vale have told of the horrors: The Harkonians fell upon the town at dawn in early January
The Harks took everyone who was able-bodied.
They slaughtered all those that were too old, young or feeble to be of use, a departure from their previous sustainable harvesting of slaves.

-A Harkonian reached out in the dreamscape, giving all of the Golden Horn an ultimatum: Turn yourself in or die.

-Rumor is the Harkonians have found a route over the mountains and will soon be able to cross into the Northern half of the island.

-The warning was repeated, this time written in the blood of the sentries, on the floor of the tavern.

-The Harkonians are offering a sizable bounty for the resurrection and or permanent death of members of Lord Gyr's council

-Lord Gyr and the former slave Kestos also have bounties on their head but are wanted alive.

-Rumors have been passing around the tavern across the United Cities of dissent in the Harkonian ranks
and a splinter group of Harkonians, rebelling against the Harkonian Empire.

-There has been much talk of an outpost of freed slaves, whom have formed their own country, deep in Harkonian territory of the north
Little is known about them, but that they number between 100-500 people strong.

-Mayor Whipplemire has been looking after Kiah Northwind since a few days after she returned with Lord Gyr from Duncan's Pass.