Public Proclimation

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Throughout the United Cities public houses and in the Tavern, a notice is posted:

By order of Greymere, Baron of Thistle Marsh of the Kingdom of Taneryn, appointed by her majesty Queen Shiboleth Varik, hear and understand the following important proclamation:

I hereby announce that Mosby Whipplemire shall be appointed as Mayor of Landfall. He is decisive and direct. A real businessman with outstanding work ethics. He knows how to make decision and stick with them, a quality to be learned from and admired. He is a man of his word. This great and brave man has overcome many atrocious tragedies; the constant harassment from the wildlife to his farm which he has erected a fence to fend off the wild beasts; the survival as a farmer in this harsh land even with the Harkonian threat; and the gravest of all, the loss of his loving and beautiful wife over a year ago, snatched from him in the middle of the night, never to be returned to him and also presumed dead. May her spirit rest in peace. He has tirelessly worked his abysmal excuse of a farm into a stead that not only grows food for the entire community but also grows his own dream produce: Pecans. He is a credit to this community.

Mosby has persevered and keeps his head up through all hard times. He is a shining beacon of fortitude in these desolate days. While others have contributed and worked hard for the greater good of the people, this upstanding and outstanding man has been the most important member of the farming community, rising to the occasion and helping to establish a solid foundation for the United Cities to become self-sufficient in producing food and other fine goods from their farms. He is wise, intelligent, and efficient, qualities of a true leader.

Thank you for all of your effort, and congratulations: Mosby Whipplemire, Mayor of Landfall.

By my hand, Greymere of House Tyne Baron of Thistle Marsh, Tanaryn