Puzziling puzzle peices

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so apparently th puzzle pieces are not magical but still want to get one Identified does anyone else have any clue to them?
I think the only way to figure it out is to put them all together so I am offerening a silver a piece for puzzle pieces.
Any thoughts of what they might be?
I thought I heard talk of them having something to do with remaking or fixing a sword, but am not sure. They all seem to have come from Constructs and look every much like somekind of stone or metal bits. Of the pieces that I have I know 2 of the pieces seem to fit together. Here's another question, do all the pieces go together? The pieces that I have the coloring seems to show that there are 2 if not 3 different colors. I will have the pieces when next we gather.

I have found 4 distinct different color puzzle pieces.
And I do remembe hearing something about Britter Irons looking for pieces I wonder if these are them?
Do you have a way of contacting the dwarf that was heading the Smithing Guild, I believe his name was Vontri? He may have more information on it as he did have a letter from Britta.

No takers at all come on I know someone has to have picked up some of these puzle pieces and I'm offering to actually pay for them, a silver a peice. Right now these peases are like the individualls in town we have to get them all together in one place and work together twords 1 common goal.
My Good Friend Neardin,

Come to Gypsy Row during za next gather, so we can talk about zeeze piezes you speak of.

May za Bloodmoon be your light during times of darkness.

I have some family matters that I need to take care of and so I will not be able to come to the next gather. I do have some pieces which I will sell you when I make the next gathering.

noted and thanks! any chanse of passing them off to someone befor then?
I am traveling alone and dont know anyone in the area Im in. I will try to find a courier with whom I can send them with.


Since I was not at last gather I am not aware of these puzzle pieces but I would like to help you sort them out. If you gather the lion's share of them would you mind if I were to take a look at them and attempt to work out their purpose?

Apparently these pieses have been showing up all season not ju*hic*st the last gather but the pourpus of me collecting them is not to h*hic*ord them but to gathere them in one spot so all the minds of Kupspare to be able to view them at the same time and solve th reason they are showing up.
Unfortunatly nowone will do anything for free so I have ofered money for the pieces cause theres no other way to get them together.
These here puzzley doodadthingamawidgets are all over the goblins and they drop off of golems in the catacombs as well. Please people if ya have any of the blasted enigmatic whosawhatsits get em to neardin so he stops obsessing. Getting damn annoying and hearing him jibber jabberis cutting into my drinking time. What sucks is there's no pretty colors on the damn thing or nifty secret message on the back..Tad think whatever made it would at least add shiny bits. We all like shiny.....

Marcusagrim "Grim" Anvilstrike the stormheart
I will be travaling to the lands of Morria If anyone has a piese and can bring it or have a courier bring it there I would appriciate it same rated apply I will buy it for a silver.
I have retrieved 4 pieces from other lands that possibly not come bck to our lands. I am making a dedicated effort to unite the entire puzzle to learn if it is the key to the future of our town please help me I have 185 of the 200 pieces, only 15 more to goif anyone knows the location of them please get them to the next gather. Some of us believe that they are the key to the unlocked door in the catacomes and unlocking it will solve a lot of the problems the catacomes, but we beileve that all are needed befor it will work.

I am still ofering from my own pocket to purchase each peice for 1 silver If you dont think that you should offer it up for the good nd help of the town.
so the gathers for the season are over and the chances of me getting other peices for the puzlr are slimming a wee bit I am going to Morria and Calderia and the Deadlands befor I get snowed in in Kupspare.
There are still 9 pieces out there somewhere.
Solonge of the Blood moon traders has one and has promised it to me which means that there are still 8 more somewhere.
Please heelp this may turn the tides against the tall dark and ugly!
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