I think, to a large degree, that this should be left up to the individual chapter's Plot Team.
When I was running plot in OR, I didn't let any scrolls or catalysts go out that I didn't want in the game that I was running, and the more sought-after sets (Perm, Regen, etc.) I made a concerted effort only "drop" when and where I wanted them to and to make sure that everyone knew they were there/available (usually through auction). I also didn't give out Oblit sets, but I did give out a number of one-shot Spellstrike Shatter Spirits to PC's knowing full well they could be used against the BBG or another player, but I didn't do it without a great deal of thought and they were in the hands of player(s) I trusted to make the right OOG decision regarding usage - but I did expect them to be used at some points (and they were, to great effect!).
I think the only responsibility the player has is to 1) ask the current plot team if they indeed want or don't mind having <y> ritual in their game (if they are the team who "dropped" it 2) if a new plot team, ask the new plot team if they are okay with said ritual being in their game. If they are okay with it, they will say so (you could even chat with them about the pros/cons), or they will take it back if they aren't (and MAYBE offer something in trade, but that certainly isn't required). But at the end of the day, you gotta trust that Plot knows what is going on and that they purposefully "dropped" a "bad" ritual. If that's a concern for a player in a chapter, and they can't trust their plot team, then maybe that is a different discussion to have with the chapter owner.