Question from a potential new player

Hi, im a experienced larper who played both versions of this system back in the day.
I am thinking about getting back into the hobby in the near future just to get out of the house.
Just a few questions to ask
1 do you allow latex weapon fizreps such as those made by calamacil or similar? Or do you insist on hand constructed? (I have a few pieces on hand)
2 is there electricity usually available or is it usually a dark site?(asking due to cpap requirements)
3 is there a tavern and if so does volunteering count tward player rewards?
4 sight rules for smoking? (bit of a hookaholic and lover of fine pipes.)
Hope to make a game eventually.
1. Latex weapons are totally welcome!! Although no guarantee they pass safety inspection - most do but some do not. And unless modified post purchase latex weapons are not allowed to thrust.
2. Yes there is electricity available for folks with cpaps though usually means sleeping in npc camp.
3. We have an awesome crew who take charge in the Kitchen, I am sure they will never turn down extra help, and there is various rewards for helpers.
4. Smoking is at a designated fire pit or near the sites main dumpsters. You must clean up after yourself that includes cleaning the pit at the end of the event.
It needs a standard thrust tip installed. Basically 2 inches of open cell foam. I have never seen a major commercial brand latex come with them although most local artisans will craft it into the design.
I'd be hard pressed to retrofit one onto a commercial latex weapon safely as well, given that they generally have a much narrower blade profile than a boffer, and thus you'd need to essentially build out a platform or the tip would fold easily rather than compressing as intended. Kinda defeats the purpose of a latex rep if you have to tape a q-tip style head onto the tip. :)
I can make that modification while preserving the look, but it wont be until after the event. Let me know if you need help/want me to do it.

The version i use has a kevlar wrap around the core and is designed to thrust, some larps take it as is, others want a tip. We will talk post event.

Also a couple questions about npc camp
1 are there bunks with matresses or do i need to bring my cot?
2 is there a shower available on sight or do i need to plan a visit to the local truck stop to get rid of the post nero funk?
I should be in attendance for the event in October.
1- NPC camp typically will have bunks available at most sites we use. If the site does not have them it typically is spelled out in the prereg post

2- Showers are always available although sometimes maybe colder than preferred or more spider filled then preferred.