Question on boffer weapons

i don't know if anyone has seen this site yet,, but the weapons he makes look AMAZING...i'm considering purchasing from him but i wanted to make sure first, from the information he posts it sounds like all his weapons are NERO legal but i'd hate to buy something and not be able to use it...what's the verdict?
Hard to say without seeing a weapon in hand, but it is unlikely that most of the weapons he displays would pass NERO Alliance rules (note that he says they'll pass 'NERO' rules and most likely means NERO International, not NERO Alliance - International has very different weapon specifications).

Some of the issues:

- All of the bladed weapons are too sharp and pointy at the end.
- He reinforces the tips with 'nylon belt webbing'. The nylon belt webbing I know would not pass NERO Alliance weapon checks for this purpose.
- Many of the "blunt" weapons (such as the maces) have sharp points and edges that would not pass NERO Alliance.
- The only ones I see that might pass would be some of the hammer-type weapons (such as "Dwarvin [sic] Hammer"). That said, a lot depends on just how the thrusting tip is designed and feels.

I AM NOT A MARSHAL. This is just my opinion having made latex weapons that pass NERO Alliance specs.

Actually, I ws just having a conversation with Shane Renner regarding Iron Liege weapons. While I was in a short lived International chapter I bought an Iron Liege piece, it was legal there. I'll be bringing it up with me to show to Shane, and weapons marshall's are certainly welcome to inspect it. While I'd love for it to pass so it can see some use and not just look pretty, I have my doubts that it will. Still, you can see it for yourself.
Polare Lissenstine said:
Hard to say without seeing a weapon in hand, but it is unlikely that most of the weapons he displays would pass NERO Alliance rules (note that he says they'll pass 'NERO' rules and most likely means NERO International, not NERO Alliance - International has very different weapon specifications).

Some of the issues:

- All of the bladed weapons are too sharp and pointy at the end.
- He reinforces the tips with 'nylon belt webbing'. The nylon belt webbing I know would not pass NERO Alliance weapon checks for this purpose.
- Many of the "blunt" weapons (such as the maces) have sharp points and edges that would not pass NERO Alliance.
- The only ones I see that might pass would be some of the hammer-type weapons (such as "Dwarvin [sic] Hammer"). That said, a lot depends on just how the thrusting tip is designed and feels.

I AM NOT A MARSHAL. This is just my opinion having made latex weapons that pass NERO Alliance specs.


well that sucks *grin* i'd LOVE to be carrying something around that looks more like a sword...not to mention that those orc weapons are downright mouthwateringly horrific-looking...just seeing someone coming at you with one of those would put the fear in you, regardless of what it's made out of..
Aziraphel said:
I'll be bringing it up with me to show to Shane, and weapons marshall's are certainly welcome to inspect it. While I'd love for it to pass so it can see some use and not just look pretty, I have my doubts that it will. Still, you can see it for yourself.

I'd love to take a look at it and see if it passes weapon inspection. It'd be awesome to see some of those in-game if they actually are safe to use by NERO rules.
I can tell you that these weapons are being discussed on an Alliance wide level- to the best of my knowledge nothing has yet to be determined.
I'm always willing to look at a boffer. If immediately looking is followed by "oh HELL no," then you've got a problem. :P

I've played in games with laxtex weapons, and been hit by them many many many times. They're no more dangerous then boffer weapons (the only real injuries i've ever seen happened when the foam core failed; The core of the weapon purtruded through the tape and the person had to go to the hospital for a kidney injury. THis happened back in 1990 i believe at Nero Ravenholt. - oops tangent). I do hope latex weapons are approved they really do add to the realism of the game :D

Mine isn't a latex 'blade'. Those are decidedly unpleasant, realism or not. Mine is the boffer striking surface. Btw, who is doing weapon inspections these days?
Feb event... 3 day... crap.

Thanks for reminding me I need to go through MC's weapons some time next week. (I assume that this would be a good thing oh ye gods of the Nexus?)
Diera said:
Feb event... 3 day... crap.

Thanks for reminding me I need to go through MC's weapons some time next week. (I assume that this would be a good thing oh ye gods of the Nexus?)

And thus the gods and goddess of the Nexus smiled down upon... Um, yeah, that would be great.
I do weapons check when I can.
I've checked this site out before actually to look get ideas for swords. Two main problems with them, many don't have the correct thickness of foam on the blade (3/8 instead of 5/8). The other major problem I've seen is the waylay tips. Many just don't have them and many others are iffy as to whether or not they'd be legal. Being waylayed by a weapon without a waylay tip hurts (broke off, they didn't realize, then missed on the waylay and got me in the back of the neck, makes me wish that protection aura would have helped Jen there).

Jen :)
I just looked at Warlock's weapon from Iron Leige the other night and can tell you it and most of the others are not NERO safe. The main issues being lack of a thrusting tip and as previously mentioned 3/8 instead of the required 5/8 in foam. That being said, are they safe in general? Yeah I'd definitely say so. Would I have any problems using them or having them used on me? No, not at all. For all that matters. :P
AU uses these weapons, against the better judgement of its safety marshalls.

I have seen them break far too often for safe use in NERO. I've got a scar on my right shoulder from a thrust where the core slid through... I bled all over the tunic, sweatshirt, tabbard, and shirt it cut through. Yes, that bad.

Really nice, and very light, but in NERO safety terms, totally illegal. many of them have sharp and rigid crossguards.

My PVC weapons would snap a hadfang in one shot... Greg had his 2 hander for about a day before the core went.

The shortswords are the longest lived, and safest of them so far. Even so, they rarely *actually* have 2 inches of progressive give (of the variety that doesn't fold over onto itself) and don't have the requisite thickness of foam.

That thickness is based on a 1st or 2nd gen heavy core, but even these need it from time to time: I've seen someone get hit in the face, and have even one of these rupture a blood vessel in the eye of the recipient.

Are they safe? are you effing kidding me? most of these examples are caused by people who should never have picked up a sword in the first place. These are safe blades... but only when they come up against other ultralights.

In a game where PVC is still the "according to Hoyle" norm, no, they break too easily, (Greg and Drew prove that one parry is all it takes, and all I did was get hit.) and are small enough to get through the visor of my great helm.

The safety rules would need to be updated to reflect the relatively recent lack of round foam, and most of the heavy weapons would need to go away. That might take a few years.

your mileage may vary,
most_precious_blood said:
AU uses these weapons, against the better judgement of its safety marshalls.

I have seen them break far too often for safe use in NERO. I've got a scar on my right shoulder from a thrust where the core slid through... I bled all over the tunic, sweatshirt, tabbard, and shirt it cut through. Yes, that bad.

Really nice, and very light, but in NERO safety terms, totally illegal. many of them have sharp and rigid crossguards.

My PVC weapons would snap a hadfang in one shot... Greg had his 2 hander for about a day before the core went.

The shortswords are the longest lived, and safest of them so far. Even so, they rarely *actually* have 2 inches of progressive give (of the variety that doesn't fold over onto itself) and don't have the requisite thickness of foam.

That thickness is based on a 1st or 2nd gen heavy core, but even these need it from time to time: I've seen someone get hit in the face, and have even one of these rupture a blood vessel in the eye of the recipient.

Are they safe? are you effing kidding me? most of these examples are caused by people who should never have picked up a sword in the first place. These are safe blades... but only when they come up against other ultralights.

In a game where PVC is still the "according to Hoyle" norm, no, they break too easily, (Greg and Drew prove that one parry is all it takes, and all I did was get hit.) and are small enough to get through the visor of my great helm.

The safety rules would need to be updated to reflect the relatively recent lack of round foam, and most of the heavy weapons would need to go away. That might take a few years.

your mileage may vary,

well those are all very good points though ! things i either didn't know or didn't stop to consider..i just like the way they look SOOO pretty...but i'd rather take a round boffer like what we have now then actually get STABBED, for pete's sake...
They're really safe weapons, in the hands of somone who isn't a complete tool. The problem is, anyone can buy them. In the hands of the even slightly skilled, coring someone isn't an issue. Greg, for instance, stopped fighting when something went wrong, instead of el kabonging me with naked core.

Like I said, those others should never have picked up a sword... These swords are unsafe only for the reason we have safety rules in the first place; Some ackjass will inevitably pick one up and provide us with a demonstration of 5000 years of stupid in 5 seconds.

I trust most of you enough not to kill me, but not all of you... Not everyone.

most_precious_blood said:
They're really safe weapons, in the hands of somone who isn't a complete tool. The problem is, anyone can buy them. In the hands of the even slightly skilled, coring someone isn't an issue. Greg, for instance, stopped fighting when something went wrong, instead of el kabonging me with naked core.

Like I said, those others should never have picked up a sword... These swords are unsafe only for the reason we have safety rules in the first place; Some ackjass will inevitably pick one up and provide us with a demonstration of 5000 years of stupid in 5 seconds.

I trust most of you enough not to kill me, but not all of you... Not everyone.

That is the case for a lot of people in nero tho, its why some people can use a weapon for a long time with no breakage, and others can go through perfictly good weapons every event. Nero weapons are set up for the most dangerus player, which is actally a good thing sometimes.
Kauss said:
That is the case for a lot of people in nero tho, its why some people can use a weapon for a long time with no breakage, and others can go through perfictly good weapons every event. Nero weapons are set up for the most dangerus player, which is actally a good thing sometimes.

wow, you actually have people break weapons at an event? the only way i can even imagine that happening, since i've been in enough combat now to know what it's like, is if someone were trying to literally feat the buck out of you...there's just no reason i can see that you'd need to swing that hard...