Question on Costuming


So I want to play Sylvanborn- With them being elf/ satyr parentage... what if I wanted to dress closer to my parentage? obviously I would have the ears and horns as required... but what if I wanna be extra satyr?

Thanks in Advance :)
Sylvanborn are Elf/Satyr relatives in about the same way humans are whale relatives, so don't get too hung up on that idea that a Sylvanborn shares many more defining physical traits with an Elf than the ears or with a Satyr than having horns.

The horns have to be pretty distinctly Not Ram Horns, to avoid being confused with a Ram- or Goat-kin at a distance, so the size, colouring, and design might not be allowed to be as close to traditional Satyr as you're hoping; check with your local chapter before coming to game, as the marshals there can probably point you in the right direction to get the aesthetic you're after without breaking the "visibly your Race from a distance" rules. :)

If you just want to have very hairy legs (such as by using fur pants of some kind), there's nothing stopping you, but you probably wouldn't be allowed to walk around with hooves, and you would probably be chastised in-game by other characters for being naked if you didn't put shorts or pants on over the hairy leg pants. :P
Sylvanborn are Elf/Satyr relatives in about the same way humans are whale relatives, so don't get too hung up on that idea that a Sylvanborn shares many more defining physical traits with an Elf than the ears or with a Satyr than having horns.

The horns have to be pretty distinctly Not Ram Horns, to avoid being confused with a Ram- or Goat-kin at a distance, so the size, colouring, and design might not be allowed to be as close to traditional Satyr as you're hoping; check with your local chapter before coming to game, as the marshals there can probably point you in the right direction to get the aesthetic you're after without breaking the "visibly your Race from a distance" rules. :)

If you just want to have very hairy legs (such as by using fur pants of some kind), there's nothing stopping you, but you probably wouldn't be allowed to walk around with hooves, and you would probably be chastised in-game by other characters for being naked if you didn't put shorts or pants on over the hairy leg pants. :p

I am going to disagree with the assertion that ram horns are inappropriate.

We have players that use a variety of horns here, though we do stress that those using such horns ensure that their ears are particularly obvious.

The importance is that upon being looked upon, you cannot be mistaken for a Kin race. I would recommend talking to your local marshals regarding this subject, as they may have insight and suggestions
Whoops doubled.
I am going to disagree with the assertion that ram horns are inappropriate.

I would also second this. Ramkyn & Goatkyn should probably have painted skin.

There's a ton of Sylvanborn in the midwest who use a curling style of horns, and I think it adds a ton to their style, it's fairly obviously they are sylvanborn. We even have a goatkyn running around at times, and there's never been any confusion.