Questions of Lakes, Recipes, Blade Eaters, and 1402

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
My good people of Gaden,

This message is more directed towards the people of Gaden not known as adventurers, for I believe they will know little about what I ask, but they are welcome to give their input as they feel is needed. As some adventurers may know, I am currently searching for hints as to where Simon Maerwith, the notable Archiver for the Earth Guild, disappeared to more than 20 years ago after living in Fort Miller.

Perhaps some of the older citizens of Gaden may have heard the name or known him, and it is to them that I ask this: Is there any notable location or people located alongside a lake in the Fort Miller area? If not, and if anyone knew Maerwith, was there any location along a lake that was important to either him or his wife Jeanette, though not necessarily to anyone else? Perhaps something that happened to him at a lake? Any information regarding this mysterious body of water would be appreciated.

Next, I have a question for the healers and alchemists out there: Is there any kind of recipe or ritual for an illness cure that contains Feyander, Salamander Claws, and Heartstone? There may also be another ingredient, but it is hard to tell if there is or not (I speculate that it could be Hydrite, often called Jetsam, but I am not sure). This recipe is referenced in Maerwith's notes, though it apparently did not succeed in curing his wife, and I want to know where this recipe came from or what it was supposed to do. Also, if anyone possesses any Salamander Claws, I would be very interested in examining them. Seek me out during a market day if you have any.

Also, as I am not too informed when it comes to incidents in Gaden before my birth, I ask this: Was there anything notable that happened to the Earth Guild (specifically their records) in 1402? In addition, was there anything that happened regarding the monsters known as Blade Eaters around this time? Any information about anything at all that happened in 1402 would be appreciated, especially around the time of August.

If any members of the Earth Guild receive this message, I implore you to contact me privately to arrange a live meeting next Market Day, and if you have any evidence as to his location, the lakeside, the recipe, or 1402, also contact me privately about it.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Ah, I forgot to mention, I am highly interested in the origin and doings of the creatures known as Boggles. If you have any odd information about them, I would love to hear it.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft