Race Packets

After a lot of hard work from the plot team, mostly Rob Dautovski and Carly Baehr, all of the Alliance Chicago race packets are now available for your perusal!

The first 9 are here in this post, scroll down a bit to find the rest.

As always, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to send them along to our plot team or general manager.


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You are missing the most important of all races!

*shakes his fist at the surface-walkers*
They're taking their time to make sure they show no dishonor to those honorable elves that live beneath.
Convince SoMN to release their High Ogre and Dryad packets early and maybe we'll talk, Ryan.
Will there be packets for quasi-immortal interdimensional beings on vacation?
Nice job on the Stone Elf Packet
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The Elf and Dryad packets have been updated to reflect the new state of the Eternal Empire and the Eternal Leaf Crown.

The High Ogre packet has been updated to add some history - it was one of the weaker packets in the initial release and we're hoping the additions will provide some more local flavor for any PC Ogres that might eventually come along.
Are you guys going to update your Selunari packet?
Let's just say...

In the shadows they walk, in the darkness they take shape, and soon they will be amongst you once more
These were written a few years back before his poor untimely demise. The entire Nine referenced had a shake up that I’m sure at one point will be updated along with any other additions the last few years.
Hi there! I'm interested in starting games with your chapter and wanted to know if these packets are still accurate? Can I use their information to base a character off of?
They are not current. Some of the stuff in them is still relevant but overall they aren't the best resource for character creation.
They're on the list of things to be updated but may be a while.