Racial costuming, prosthetics, and requirements


After some recent questions were posed both publicly and privately, I feel the need to clarify and explain the chapter’s stance on makeup races and the requirements related to them as the racial coordinator. For those of you not aware, I’m the official go-to person for racial topics for Alliance Denver, primarily beginning with Wylderkin and Sarr, but extending to other races as needed. Got questions or concerns regarding a race, shoot me a message!

Before we get into the meat of this, we’re not coming after anyone or chiding people who’re honestly trying to abide by the requirements set forth in the rulebook.

In April, it was brought up at end of game that there are consequences for poor makeup, and this was explained in such a way that many players apparently felt scolded. This was not the intent, so I wanted to ask for a clean slate and the opportunity to explain in greater detail what the issue was and what Alliance Denver asks of you, the player.

First and foremost, we’re looking or an immersive and fun game for everyone. That means enforcing the rulebook’s stipulations on makeup or costuming for various races. We didn’t make up those rules, but we do enforce them.
In general, we want our players making a good faith effort to do thorough costuming/makeup. We are not asking for perfection or movie-grade looks from anyone. Please do not think we are. What we’re asking for is:
  1. We want to see everyone striving for quality in their efforts to show off their non-human qualities. That expectation evolves over time, and we’re happy to help you grow your ideas. An elf wearing a hat to hide lack of ears isn’t putting in any good faith effort. A stone elf wearing a little powder isn’t making a good faith effort to be “all white.” Every race has a minimum costuming requirement, and we expect players to make every effort to meet this.
  2. I cannot stress “good faith” often enough. We expect our players to try. New to play and don’t know how to do dark elf makeup? That’s fine. Do your best! Slap some black on there, and find a white wig. We totally understand. What we will do, though, is offer suggestions to improve. Makeup sealants, layering, shading, lighten the eyebrows, etc. Ask for ideas and you’ll get more than you ever wanted. So long as you’re trying and abiding by the rules for your race, it’s good by us!
Now, why is this a topic of discussion/debate? We aren’t here to scold or criticize someone’s good faith efforts. None of the posts or announcements were meant to do that. If that’s how they came across, I want to formally apologize on behalf of the chapter. We want to encourage growth of our players and the look of their characters, and sometimes that means reminding people that there are consequences if they refuse to abide by the rules. Let’s switch to the carrot, rather than the stick.

Do you need help with how to do makeup? Do you need help with ideas for costuming or prosthetics? Do you have trouble keeping makeup stuck to your face? Do you have trouble remembering which end of the paint brush goes in the makeup? Spirit gum not sticking? Thunderstorms washing your fake face off? Hate reapplying every 4 hours? Discover a surprise makeup allergy? We can help with all of these! Shoot me a message or have your friendly neighborhood staff member get you in contact with me.

Now, let’s spell out the minimum requirements for each race, so there’s no confusion about what we’re looking for. Remember, these are all good faith effort…try to abide by them, and it’s not an issue.

- All races: In-period costuming, or attempt to hide non-period items. T-shirts with logos, white tennis shoes, blue jeans, etc are all very obvious. There are tricks for hiding items you don’t have period costuming for. Just ask and someone will have ideas for you, or point you to someone who can teach you to make the period items.
- All races with makeup requirements: Some allowances may be made based on allergies or other limitations. These are made on a case-by-case basis and require staff input. I cannot do those waivers, so you will need to talk with Jesse. Until Jesse has given a waiver, you are still required to abide by the rulebook requirements.
- Dwarf: <verifying, as I may have gotten bad info>
- Elf: Pointed ears. These can be prosthetic or other creative methods, but must be there, even if wearing a hat.
- Dark elf: Black skin, white hair. Full coverage of exposed skin is required. Pointed ears as with elf.
- Stone Elf: White skin. Full coverage of exposed skin is required. Pointed ears as with elf.
- Hobling: Bushy sideburns, even on players who have sideburns, unless given a waiver by staff.
- Biata: Feathers over eyebrows.
- Selunari: Gemstone(s) somewhere visible on forehead.
- Wylderkin/Sarr: Makeup, ears (if appropriate), tail (if appropriate), or any other prosthetic required to clearly identify the race/breed. Full coverage of exposed skin is required.
- Barbarian: Furs and rough-looking clothing. All other requirements are roleplay-based.
- Mystic wood elf: Pointed ears and small horns on the forehead. Larger horns are allowed only with staff permission (there is a reason for this, due to some upcoming rules changes).
- Dryad: Appearance of plants as part of the character of a type specific to their particular plant/bush/shrug/mushroom. Some costuming limitations with regard to armor.

If you are playing a non-human and you have any concerns about your costuming meeting the game requirements, or just want to discuss ways to improve your costuming, please ask! The forums and Facebook pages are good resources, and I’m happy to steer people to the information needed.

Now, to the question of why there was a vague threat issued at last game about racial costuming, and what that statement was all about. You’ve seen the minimum requirements above, and we are required to enforce that, including the unpopular "full coverage" rule. If you do something spectacular with your costuming (the kin/sarr masks being a great example), we’ll praise you…but still have to enforce any areas lacking. Them’s the rules, and we don’t have much leeway ourselves, plus it cuts down on confusion about whether someone’s human with a bear-head hat, or a bearkin. If people don’t have their minimums, we’ll usually make a very passive-aggressive statement reminding everyone about the requirements. If that doesn’t work, we will pull players aside and remind them of the requirements. If that still doesn’t work, we do have the option to forcibly racechange a character to human. We consider that an absolute last resort! This is reserved for people who refuse to abide by the rules, not for questions of costuming quality/style. In general, we will simply enforce the rule that if you don’t meet the requirements, you lose your racials until you do meet requirements.

Again, please talk to me if you have any questions about how we’re enforcing all of this, or what it means for you. I’m happy to chat with anyone regarding the races and how they’re depicted in Alliance.
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I will say it is frustrating seeing this suddenly being enforced to the full extent. I am not certain I would have still chosen to go wilderkin If I had known I would be required full coverage. I know, I know I should have read the rule book on costuming before considering it but I was going off of two years of experience with in game seeing what was being done/required of players. I'll still do it to my best efforts to follow the rules but I think it is over the top.
I would recommend that if you are having issues with keeping to costuming requirements, that you actively reach out to Plot and Race Marshals alike to try to resolve the issue. It is possible to be proactive about the issue and come to an amiable conclusion. I will admit my part of the problem in that I have a hard time keeping the mask on. I love my mask, it looks great, but it's also like having a pressure cooker on your face. Contact pads are where sweat glands are and trap sweat in horrible places. There are no real vent holes on the mask at all, there is an insulating layer of fur glued to it, and I swear it is made of material that could stop a hockey puck. It looks great, it's not ideal for play in hot weather, which is our season for the most part. I was able to keep my mask down at night more when it was colder and I've noticed that, but in the day light, the mask being up is much more noticeable. I need a new mask and look forward to buying a newer model form the maker who has learn to make them more comfortable. While it looks great, I need a new mask that breaths better and I can wear all the time. When I get a new mask, I intend to also have a plan for full coverage as well to ensure proper immersion.
So here's my two copper.
The rules of costuming have not been regularly enforced, encouraged or discussed. In some cases, one person might get a verbal OK from staff while another might get told the same thing doesn't fly (even by the same staff member). 3/4 and full masks have been debated without clear answers as to how much makeup is needed in conjunction or how far beards work or even natural skin tones with fur colors. The main book, which contains photos players use for reference, doesn't show full coverage. The images are inconsistent and the guidelines don't really help people track where they have room to be flexible for various conditions. As an example, the racial book for Colorado (v1.11) says try for coverage, not that it's required. I assume I have an older edition but the example works to show where there text doesn't help.

May I suggest perhaps players take pictures of their full costuming/makeup for review by staff? It can be hard to make adjustments at game, especially if an individual doesn't know where they are still lacking or if something isn't up to snuff. With between game input and conversations, a progression towards compliance can be made privately. Players have been portraying their PCs for some time thinking they were doing okay so the sudden "do it or we'll race change you" may have been a bit of a shocker.
I believe even the current version speaks of trying for coverage, which falls under the "good faith" clauses in the original post. If we put in "must have 100% coverage" it's both a huge demand on the players to be that careful, and a total lack of wiggle room to help people out. Adding pictures, or requesting pictures...great idea. Happy to work on that part. As for contents of the main rulebook and what's announced...a bit above my pay grade. I can only speak to my part in it all. :)
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