Racial Makeup Requirements


I wasn't sure if this should be posted here or in Races. Here's hoping I chose well. How strict are the racial requirements supposed to be? Can they be mostly adhered to as long as they're respected in spirit? Could an Orc have lost a tusk in a fight? What about a MWE's horn? Could a Stone Elf have a visible and discolored burn scar on their face?
The rules are that you have to be able to be recognized as that race.
Scars & broken tusks are all fine if someone can tell you have a broken tusk or you are visibly a Stone Elf with a scar.
With Mystic Wood Elf, you got to have the horns or you just look like a regular Elf.
I once played a MWE with a broken horn. I actually wore a broken off horn though.

If your prosthetics come off in the field, don't sweat it. As long as you put them back on when you get the chance to do so, no one's going to fault you for it.
A friend of mine (EricMasters here on the forums) used to play a High Orc who got a tusk broken off in the middle of combat, and that's the way he kept it for the PC for a while. You could still tell he was a High Orc, just he had one tusk missing as a "battle scar", because he had genuinely lost it in a fight.
Thanks for the clarification. I was considering something like what Sarah had going on. It's good to know that the rules are just a bit pliable when it comes to makeup. I'd certainly be recognizable as my race. Well, I how I would be. One damaged feature shouldn't ruin the illusion. Worst case scenario is that I show up to an event and get scolded. If I wind up NPCing all weekend... well... them's the breaks. I like NPCing
I highly doubt anybody would tell you, you can't PC