Racial Rep Reminder - January Feast Event


Chicago Staff
Hey everyone,
As we get prepared for the Feast and look to make it a spectacular event, I want to give a reminder to all our Chicago players that racial makeup/prosthetics/clothing/etc must be worn at all times if it's part of your racial requirements(eating/sleeping as an exception of course). Please re-familiarize yourself with the requirements of your particular race as found in the Rulebook and Players Guide, as well as the below 2.1 post:


1) If you play a race with skin coverage requirements (stone elf, dark elf, wylderkin, orc, ogre), be sure that you're doing everything you can to cover ALL reasonable areas. If there are any allergies to makeup, between myself and some others we may be able to find alternatives or suggest a better applicator or brand. Personally, I don't cover inside of my fingers or palms since I'm grabbing things, don't feel you need to either. That being said gloves are great!

2) If you play a race with prosthetic requirements, be sure you have met those requirements. Elf ears, dwarven beards, biata eyebrow feathers, hobling sideburns, Oathsworn nubs, orc/ogre tusk, Sylvanborn horns, etc cannot be painted on and must be repped.

3) If you don’t currently have the makeup to rep your race please reach out to the community or grab some prior to the event.

There are certainly exceptions that can be made, or if you need an opinion if something is good enough feel free to grab me. Unless I'm on a mod I'll gladly take a few minutes to give a thumbs up or offer suggestions.

See y'all in a few days
