Racial Transformation for Sale


Good people of Horn's End,

Due to a series of trades falling through at the eleventh hour, we are once again able to make available for trade a complete set for a Racial Transformation ritual scroll and catalyst. We welcome serious offers from any interested parties, with prefrence given towards trades for magical items that travel the mysts, or ritual quailty reagents.

We hope all continues to be well within your lands.

Scarn Whiteleaf
House Nemesis of the Order of the Scarlet Dawn
Young Master Scarn,

I am not familiar with your name, are you from the lands of Valdanis? I assume the set your are offering originated in the lands of Valdanis and Horn's End.

If you do not find a market for your wares, seek me out, I am the Guild Master of the Central Mercantile Exchange (CME) and a fairly well known merchant.

Many blessings,
Bob the Blacksmith
Hello Scarn,I am Crow Nighteyes,I would like to talk to you more about your offer.Please let me know when you will be in town next so we may have a chance to talk.