Raffle for Refugees

The huge number of Thessi refugees resurrecting in Ashbury have nothing -- literally. They come here naked, with no clothing, home, or possessions. Many are innocent victims of a terrible regime; many were once slaves. It is our duty to welcome them and assist them in their time of need.

I will be in Ashbury at the next gathering, holding a raffle. For a silver, you can buy a ticket and possibly win some wonderful magic items, horses, and other things that have been donated (or which were purchased by me for use in this raffle). A complete list will be made available that weekend.

I am also accepting donations for the raffle. Surely you have something you can donate that the adventurers of Ashbury would like -- a bag full of potions or a quiver of arrows? Anything. Perhaps you can donate a service: A coupon for a massage, maybe. Are you an artist? Donate a promise to draw a portrait. Make a cake. We all have skills we can donate.

With your help, we can raise the money needed to help those who have nowhere else to turn and, through no fault of their own, are in dire need of assistance. Thank you.

Sir Eros Clearbrook
Sir Clearbrook,

Since the adventurers of Ashbury appear to be preoccupied, I will offer up a fabulous necklace that was handcrafted in Imladar.

Squire Altohtaro Armand
Northern Imladar Regional Command - Special Forces Division, Ohtar
Imladari Ambassador Pro Tempore to the Duchy of Ashbury
I'll throw in a special dinner.

Sir Amaranthus
Sir Clearbrook

I will be at the next gather and offer my services for the Refugee Auction. I have some tracking skills, a strong back, strong sword hand, and enough strength to bend a bow. I will have a token for the auction to be redeemed for afor mentioned services.

Ian Robertson
The Kilted Elf of Ashbury
The court of Corrheim offers my smithing skills for the remainder of the adventuring season at simply the cost of materials.