Rathfall 6/9 event favourites

Alliance Chicago

Chicago Staff
Hello unbounded. Post your favourite moments here! A few of mine (Alex)

  • when the PCs were too enchanted by Emma’s singing to stop her until it was too late. Just as intended.
  • Playing an caricature emo ghost for the final ghost mod, and also just calmly walking past all the PCs to touch the ritual circle
  • Playing Jack Outbeck was so much fun. Why yes, I will explain the plan in great detail, multiple times. Any excuse to talk.
  • Subsequently, the phase bear fight went very well. I was very impressed with the unbounded’s teamwork and preparation, but also surprised that nobody resurrected.
  • Returning to Bucket’s end. It’s such a fun place for npcs and PCs. Also at the end of the scrap, when Nate had his sword drawn over the loser, then looked up at me. I’m glad I picked up on it and did a Caesar thumbs up. I am a generous vampire lord.
  • There are others, but I will list them later.
Thank you npcs and PCs for making this a great event, it was so much fun!
Some highlights -

- The Chef being asked to create a meal centered around the molted shavings of Penn (edit‐ apparently his biata distributor was mistaken and the source of this delicacy came from Eve!)

- Serving said abomination to the frantically delighted nephew of House Kindershaw

- Early morning OOC sing alongs w/ Ezra and Rae

- Introducing Paulie and The Tamale Guy stand!

- "We don't judge the choices of our patrons." "That's not what I heard!"

- Everything Grendel. What an absolutely unnerving character. 10/10 - would be uncomfortable in his presence again

~ Bonus pic of Chef's haute cuisine ~


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Some highlights -

- The Chef being asked to create a meal centered around the molted shavings of Penn

- Serving said abomination to the frantically delighted nephew of House Kindershaw

- Early morning OOC sing alongs w/ Ezra and Rae

- Introducing Paulie and The Tamale Guy stand!

- "We don't judge the choices of our patrons." "That's not what I heard!"

- Everything Grendel. What an absolutely unnerving character. 10/10 - would be uncomfortable in his presence again

~ Bonus pic of Chef's haute cuisine ~
It actually was bits Eve's kit, not Penn's. 10/10, would feast with my eyes again.
1) Waking up as Montague and choosing violence. He was focused on his goal.
"Baron Savage, would it be fair to say your purpose here is to gain standing to support your homeland?"
"Well, yes..."
"So, Baron Savage, if we were to both choose to support Trusken to the best of our abilities, you wouldn't really have any reason to remain here? If Yvaine thought it a good use of her resources. Do you?"
Other suitor: "Well, I think-"
*Montague's tone flattens out* "I was asking...Yvaine."

2) Soo many geodes. I enjoy seeing people crack them open every time. And the juxtaposition of battle noises while I'm placing them around the site is oddly delightful. I'll remember to bring more "stations" for the cracking. It got a little crowded.

3) The Bleeding Clams. I had so many setbacks in the creation of the Bleeding Clams, and the final part, the Red Slime, came together in the last minute before I left for the site. I'm happy with the final product, but I learned soo much about painting, slime making, and dyeing. If it felt more like glue than slime, it's because it was my first, hurried, try. It was still gross and that was the overall goal.

4) Making lore about creatures in the game, especially Blight creatures. Just when you think the Clams can't get worse, they do. When I was plotting out the creatures in their mouths, my wife overheard me and said "...because they're carnivorous. Because OF COURSE THEY ARE."

5) The care the Staff takes with the Lore of The Grimere Expanse. Ana had a whiteboard where we kept plot notes about each area so the NPCs could act appropriately to their origin, the foreshadowing of future events that haven't even come to pass as of yet, the eggshells that PCs walk on in order to get the next clue in time to avert the worst of the disaster(s). I enjoy it so.
- Spirit Mod was a lot of fun and loved the mechanic.
- I hated those clams but mad props for a lovely layered prop - Clam, Crayfish inside and goop, gross mother flippin' goop
- Jack OUTbeck talking for the sake of talking
- "To clarify Viscount, Scarlet was singing about The Rising Sun not The Rising Tide tavern. Very different places"
- Giving Beans their Gillymog
- The Food
- Alpha Phase bear was simple and was a tall fuzzy bear. All for it!
- Enchanted by Emma to the point we let a forest be blighted...but stopped her from killing herself.
- Fae Lore progress on Lost Things and Wild Hunt.
- "With great power comes great responsibility" - The Soveriegn of Empty Chalice, probably.
- Talking to Cuthbert about bankrolling his paper then realizing I am almost word for word repeating what Lady Bancroft said to him 2 weeks ago and calling myself out.
- Well if Ana ate 6 berries than certainly eating 2 would mean I'll be fine...
- Anything Barnaby.
My first time NPCing was even more fun than I could have possibly imagined! Here's a few of the highlights for me:

1. Becoming Songstress Cordelia and ******* up a forest by enchanting the unbounded with the magic of my voice. And a vampire script. It's just a hobby, guys!

2. COWBUGS. Being big, stupid beetle looking things that tried and failed to eat everything in sight, climbed trees and fell over, tried to fly and failed miserably. Being eaten by Ethan and Zac for a solid four minutes of my death count.
Unbounded: we had to life your cowbugs
Jared as Cowbug farmer: WHY DID MY COWBUGS NEED TO BE LIFED????????

3. Emma and Sid I MEAN RAG AND CORDELIA freaking out with a mutual love of our guy Shosty! I truly believe we are now better friends because of this revelation. I'm so excited to be able to chat pretty much music anything.

4. Safety first with Ana at the final town mod.

5. Playing all sorts of different undead and blighted monsters was fun.

6. Dying a whole lot.

7. Starting to develop actual boffer skills.

8. The ongoing development of the Scarlet Vixen and Songstress Cordelia rivalry. ILY BRIAR.

9. Aura's pep talk with Cordelia and the reassurance that if anyone can fix a blighted forest, it's the Unbounded. The story of Spider Island was a perfect way to alleviate her fears and guilt. And then, speaking with Isabo, and learning that forest had been fixed. Still a lot of guilt to work through, but the relief is there. Not to mention that pesky amnesia....

10. Late night Monster Camp talks. I'm so glad I get to NPC with y'all.

11. Steph letting me borrow her Mila skirt for Cordelia. I so appreciated it! And it's inspired me to reconstruct one of my dresses into a big, flowy skirt just for Cordelia. Now to just finish it in time for the 3 day...

12. Ethan, holding a giant porcelain doll: WHERE ARE YOU PARKED
Me: O. M. G. YES
didn't quite end up working out, BUT if it had, Zac's face would have been PRICELESS

13. Fire Elementals on the Plane of Fire: GET THE **** OFF MY LAWN

14. Getting pelted with ice cold sponges at the first town mod. It was so refreshing and I loved leaning into the RP aspect of the ghosts rather than the combat aspect. Partly because I wanted to, and because it was pretty hot and I was kind of feeling overheated a little bit, so I really just wanted to be pelted with cold water.

I'm sure I'll remember other things, but these are the freshest in my mind. I love you guys so much, and I'm so excited for the rest of this season!
There are a list of things that I enjoyed however when I think about RP things this weekend hands down the first thing is

"Derek is giving me Robin Williams in Birdcage right now - and I am - f* - Here - For - It - "... Me giving no absolute care what this NPC is about I am now here to agree with them and move people out of their way... The constant "Your an Elf and a Magistrate where is your servant who handles your paperwork and takes your notes?" -Other PC begins taking notes... Exchange eyebrow raising and wordless sassy commentary.

Following that up with Diplomacy Lunch. the complete whole conversations had wordlessly with Sassy Derek NPC. but I loved pretty much every part of this... But two specific things of "Im going to say something disrespectful to Your Graces, which I preface with - Respectfully.... ". then later whispering among Emma's NPC deliberately loud enough for other people to hear. "oh, dont let my pale skin fool you, Im a dark Elf at heart. Don't be concerned about that, this is why we have spies and assassins" 'But we don't talk about those things' "oh we always talk about those things, making sure others don't forget is just the statement that needs to be made" (both turn to the rest of the table and blank stared joining the rest of the conversation like no one could have possibly heard us.)

How many times can I make Ana's Marshal/Storyteller brain go.... 'huh, well okay then...um... yeah' either while RPing, Fighting, or marshaling.

Town fight, sitting down with Star, Rag, and Marshal Ian as Shen just goes through HM and maximizing which spells go where, ans Shen and Star walk in a 10min circle. Then Marshal Ethan seeing that ive been keeping a stop watch and every 10min walk back to Marshal Ian to mark spells off.
- I got a lot of use of the blank line space and bubbles at the bottom of my battle board to just "What did I fill my spell stores with?" not to mention a lot of use of Shen's sheer amount of spell stores. #Taught by @Fredrick

Having Several different conversations that "Werewolves are just people who shape shift, like any Noble they only berserk when they feel triggered. and we aren't yet hunting Nobles..." Further,

"High Vindicator, Can I ask you questions about Vampyre Script?" Very informative and yet suspicious conversation later....

Numerous conversations with NPCs , Marshals, Plot "Have I answered everything? Got any other questions" - "you have technically answered the question and I appreciate your time. I want to make sure you understand that these answers provoke 10 more questions and like 3 research projects... so if your okay with that, then I thank you for your time... or, we can chat a little more and try to scale this down some.

"Sing the song of our People!" - Activate, I call upon earth to turn undead! -

Chocalate Covered Floof with gram crackers!
My first time NPCing was even more fun than I could have possibly imagined! Here's a few of the highlights for me:

1. Becoming Songstress Cordelia and ******* up a forest by enchanting the unbounded with the magic of my voice. And a vampire script. It's just a hobby, guys!

2. COWBUGS. Being big, stupid beetle looking things that tried and failed to eat everything in sight, climbed trees and fell over, tried to fly and failed miserably. Being eaten by Ethan and Zac for a solid four minutes of my death count.
Unbounded: we had to life your cowbugs
Jared as Cowbug farmer: WHY DID MY COWBUGS NEED TO BE LIFED????????

3. Emma and Sid I MEAN RAG AND CORDELIA freaking out with a mutual love of our guy Shosty! I truly believe we are now better friends because of this revelation. I'm so excited to be able to chat pretty much music anything.

4. Safety first with Ana at the final town mod.

5. Playing all sorts of different undead and blighted monsters was fun.

6. Dying a whole lot.

7. Starting to develop actual boffer skills.

8. The ongoing development of the Scarlet Vixen and Songstress Cordelia rivalry. ILY BRIAR.

9. Aura's pep talk with Cordelia and the reassurance that if anyone can fix a blighted forest, it's the Unbounded. The story of Spider Island was a perfect way to alleviate her fears and guilt. And then, speaking with Isabo, and learning that forest had been fixed. Still a lot of guilt to work through, but the relief is there. Not to mention that pesky amnesia....

10. Late night Monster Camp talks. I'm so glad I get to NPC with y'all.

11. Steph letting me borrow her Mila skirt for Cordelia. I so appreciated it! And it's inspired me to reconstruct one of my dresses into a big, flowy skirt just for Cordelia. Now to just finish it in time for the 3 day...

12. Ethan, holding a giant porcelain doll: WHERE ARE YOU PARKED
Me: O. M. G. YES
didn't quite end up working out, BUT if it had, Zac's face would have been PRICELESS

13. Fire Elementals on the Plane of Fire: GET THE **** OFF MY LAWN

14. Getting pelted with ice cold sponges at the first town mod. It was so refreshing and I loved leaning into the RP aspect of the ghosts rather than the combat aspect. Partly because I wanted to, and because it was pretty hot and I was kind of feeling overheated a little bit, so I really just wanted to be pelted with cold water.

I'm sure I'll remember other things, but these are the freshest in my mind. I love you guys so much, and I'm so excited for the rest of this season!
i there for the cow bugs
"Derek is giving me Robin Williams in Birdcage right now - and I am - f* - Here - For - It - "... Me giving no absolute care what this NPC is about I am now here to agree with them and move people out of their way... The constant "Your an Elf and a Magistrate where is your servant who handles your paperwork and takes your notes?" -Other PC begins taking notes... Exchange eyebrow raising and wordless sassy commentary.

Following that up with Diplomacy Lunch. the complete whole conversations had wordlessly with Sassy Derek NPC. but I loved pretty much every part of this... But two specific things of "Im going to say something disrespectful to Your Graces, which I preface with - Respectfully.... ". then later whispering among Emma's NPC deliberately loud enough for other people to hear. "oh, dont let my pale skin fool you, Im a dark Elf at heart. Don't be concerned about that, this is why we have spies and assassins" 'But we don't talk about those things' "oh we always talk about those things, making sure others don't forget is just the statement that needs to be made" (both turn to the rest of the table and blank stared joining the rest of the conversation like no one could have possibly heard us.)

How many times can I make Ana's Marshal/Storyteller brain go.... 'huh, well okay then...um... yeah' either while RPing, Fighting, or marshaling.

Town fight, sitting down with Star, Rag, and Marshal Ian as Shen just goes through HM and maximizing which spells go where, ans Shen and Star walk in a 10min circle. Then Marshal Ethan seeing that ive been keeping a stop watch and every 10min walk back to Marshal Ian to mark spells off.
- I got a lot of use of the blank line space and bubbles at the bottom of my battle board to just "What did I fill my spell stores with?" not to mention a lot of use of Shen's sheer amount of spell stores. #Taught by @Fredrick

Having Several different conversations that "Werewolves are just people who shape shift, like any Noble they only berserk when they feel triggered. and we aren't yet hunting Nobles..." Further,

"High Vindicator, Can I ask you questions about Vampyre Script?" Very informative and yet suspicious conversation later....

Numerous conversations with NPCs , Marshals, Plot "Have I answered everything? Got any other questions" - "you have technically answered the question and I appreciate your time. I want to make sure you understand that these answers provoke 10 more questions and like 3 research projects... so if your okay with that, then I thank you for your time... or, we can chat a little more and try to scale this down some.

"Sing the song of our People!" - Activate, I call upon earth to turn undead! -

Chocalate Covered Floof with gram crackers!
I had a great event!!! Thank you to everyone working hard on stuff!

in no order things I loved:

The costumes everyone had! PCs and NPCs - so many people making such an effort to look awesome! loved eves hair and bird nest - even if the countess called it a hat

Emma! Emma being sorcha again - role play insulting you was one of my first favorite memories in larp and continues to be a favorite!

other Emma! Ummm I was freaking out about how beautiful your voice was “shh Sarah youre supposed to be a monster right now! Not a fangirl!”

political talks taking over star and my tea time - but damn that was good tea. Also I broke etiquette rathfall laws to eat Aicha treats YUM! Lady fallingstar is relentles! ☺️❤️ Nate is best bodyguard!

Star! you make me happy and I’m so glad we got to play!

claire - any time I RP with you ends up being a highlight!

my new tent did NOT leak!!!!!!!

The creators of rathfall world! It’s so interesting and fun to explore! Derek coming up with things never gets old to watch! im Grateful to Alex and his fun ideas! Ethan always made me feel included into the story! Ian makes me laugh with his under the breath quips I’m lucky to hear I love rathfall and love watching it come to life!

the art was fantastic!! PCs made such beautiful stuff - ROFF that hat!!!!!!! And Stephanie made some things that had me in stitches!

Ana did an amazing job organizing the chaos!!! thank you!!

I hate dishes. But loved the people I did them with!

was soooo glad to get a little time with Ezra and Jordan! you two make my life better!! I need to know more of this masked twin asap!

jordan - wtf - food was amazing so thank you to everyone who helped!!

Giving Isabo the bird for taking my monsters out so rapidly was amusing to me

Thank you for washing the toilets Matt- I would have! But also thank you for doing it!

Thank you Nay for taking the mop when I dropped it - lol - I was beyond tired and I know you were too … but thank you!

Myk was great having you NPC!!! Actsually the entire NPC team was amazing!!! New players are so fun to meet and so glad you are there!

phoenix and Jun-yung rocking the dish mountain!!! Wooot!

thank you everyone!!!
There were many a good thing this weekend, so these are in no particular order.
  • Midnight tea time and star gazing. The fact Lydia doesn't know the stars in Rathfall is both infuriating and arousing. So much to learn. Next time Eve, next time.
  • Interactions with Jonas. I'll crack that nut at some point. We still need to go to those super secret Elf only clubs. Just like you offered.
  • The more time I spend with High Vindicator Constantine the more I like the guy. NPCs having hobbies and being able to evaluate the law logically are always good skills to have.
  • Meeting Lord Bordeaux and Pierre. The whole scene amd digging for swamp pearls was enjoyable. Star got engaged, got to talk to a post doctorate Hobling. Found out more about the vampire council. It was so interesting. Even with the out of nowhere allergic reaction to the blood goop inside the shells. The physical representations were above and beyond.
  • Damn it Joseph!
  • Mining moon rocks. Did I lift some? Yes. The answer is YES.
  • The Creation of the Domain of the Defiled. That broke Lydia's mind, she needs to know why. WHY DAMN IT, WHY?!
  • Syr Tully
  • Ollie, my sweet summer child. How you got out of going to Pauper's Launch was great.
  • The whole conversation with the many factions. I was going to do my best to get an agreement with you four. He'll or high water. Every NPC was on point.
  • Each time before Ethan comes out as Kindershaw I think, "I'm gonna get funding for the observatory." The he comes out and I'm intimidated. I was going to ask. I was walking straight at him the he from across the room to Nate, "How long will my nephew last in Pauper's Launch?" "A WEEK." Did I just witness an execution by any other words? Yup, ask him for money later, yesstores.
  • Wait there was a whole dark elf kingdom. Need to follow up in that.
  • The Phase bear fight and Rag skinning that bear. I have not found bear skin rug that is good enough yet. The search continues.
  • Knighting Rag, your my knight now. Not that it matters much, but, you'll keep me in line.
  • The remembrance ceremony, the engagement and smores.
That's All I can think of ATM3a48f4c31bfc8cb7d33a38c8c2f9392079d51e5766e5a2a2b3a922500aa6ecc4.0 (1).png
the dark elf kingdom was my falt
- Spirit Mod was a lot of fun and loved the mechanic.
- I hated those clams but mad props for a lovely layered prop - Clam, Crayfish inside and goop, gross mother flippin' goop
- Jack OUTbeck talking for the sake of talking
- "To clarify Viscount, Scarlet was singing about The Rising Sun not The Rising Tide tavern. Very different places"
- Giving Beans their Gillymog
- The Food
- Alpha Phase bear was simple and was a tall fuzzy bear. All for it!
- Enchanted by Emma to the point we let a forest be blighted...but stopped her from killing herself.
- Fae Lore progress on Lost Things and Wild Hunt.
- "With great power comes great responsibility" - The Soveriegn of Empty Chalice, probably.
- Talking to Cuthbert about bankrolling his paper then realizing I am almost word for word repeating what Lady Bancroft said to him 2 weeks ago and calling myself out.
- Well if Ana ate 6 berries than certainly eating 2 would mean I'll be fine...
- Anything Barnaby.
i would like to halp with the wild hunt court
There were many a good thing this weekend, so these are in no particular order.
  • Midnight tea time and star gazing. The fact Lydia doesn't know the stars in Rathfall is both infuriating and arousing. So much to learn. Next time Eve, next time.
  • Interactions with Jonas. I'll crack that nut at some point. We still need to go to those super secret Elf only clubs. Just like you offered.
  • The more time I spend with High Vindicator Constantine the more I like the guy. NPCs having hobbies and being able to evaluate the law logically are always good skills to have.
  • Meeting Lord Bordeaux and Pierre. The whole scene amd digging for swamp pearls was enjoyable. Star got engaged, got to talk to a post doctorate Hobling. Found out more about the vampire council. It was so interesting. Even with the out of nowhere allergic reaction to the blood goop inside the shells. The physical representations were above and beyond.
  • Damn it Joseph!
  • Mining moon rocks. Did I lift some? Yes. The answer is YES.
  • The Creation of the Domain of the Defiled. That broke Lydia's mind, she needs to know why. WHY DAMN IT, WHY?!
  • Syr Tully
  • Ollie, my sweet summer child. How you got out of going to Pauper's Launch was great.
  • The whole conversation with the many factions. I was going to do my best to get an agreement with you four. He'll or high water. Every NPC was on point.
  • Each time before Ethan comes out as Kindershaw I think, "I'm gonna get funding for the observatory." The he comes out and I'm intimidated. I was going to ask. I was walking straight at him the he from across the room to Nate, "How long will my nephew last in Pauper's Launch?" "A WEEK." Did I just witness an execution by any other words? Yup, ask him for money later, yesstores.
  • Wait there was a whole dark elf kingdom. Need to follow up in that.
  • The Phase bear fight and Rag skinning that bear. I have not found bear skin rug that is good enough yet. The search continues.
  • Knighting Rag, your my knight now. Not that it matters much, but, you'll keep me in line.
  • The remembrance ceremony, the engagement and smores.
That's All I can think of ATMView attachment 3576
do want halp with the dark elf kingdom