Rathfall Feast 2023 Favorites


Feast was amazing! some of my favorites were:

-Seeing all the fancy garb people brought out
-The kitchen staff doing an amazing job, all the food was great
-Seeing all the new people! it was great seeing new and relatively new faces out there
-The bard competition was dope

Overall I had a really great time and cant wait to see yall next season!

Shout outs to the Kitchen Staff.
Rounding a corner in the murder basement and seeing a dead princess and Brian with a **** eating grin on his face
Capture the pennant
All of the delicious food (thanks again kitchen, as well as those that made food for the tasting competition)
All of the 'hunt' beasts
Mildew (aka the help)
Im continuously impressed by the depth of RP and costume detail on the Rathfall side and it provides the best motivation to up my Gavaria games. There is life to these NPCs and it feels alive interacting with them all.

My favorites of the event:
- Murderer mystery. The hints were all laid out, the clues were there and at the moment of his escape with the Princess, they disappeared around a corner. The basement was such a cool place. I was thinking as I ran out to find them, "how the bleep did they outrun me" before learning of a secret passage. That was really neat and I'm glad we got to her in time.
- Sarah as Mother of Tides. The costume was gorgeous and talking to her gave me full "Sarah using her mom voice" when I upset her. The scene building was so cool as well.
- Feast! Food was great, decor was top notch. Everyone looked great. I love the detail level the tavern has become.
- PAPI's. Passive Aggresive Popcorn Inc.
- Learning more about the world in general and how Rathfall basically has 20 years of life left if we don't change things.
- Cadenza was a delight. The music, the interactions and especially the garb. All this from a solo traveler to a different chapter.
- Drinking contest and being out after 1 drink. Certainly someone can beat Iban for 2g.
- Keepers of the Golden Coin! Keepers of Darkened Sun merging with Adventure Capitalist, woo!
- Etiquette and dancing lessons. Very cool rp that didn't punish PCs but instead rewarded them.

I'm really enjoying Rathfall after 3 events as it's so different from standard Alliance; it's fresh and allows me another game to PC in.

So much fun! Decorations and intrigue and so much great food! Here are just few of the delights in no particular order:
  • DeSylvia's face when Dramthin said "But, we need evidence!" when he insisted we should jump Del Toro and drag him off to prison for being the serial murderer and cultist known as the Rose
  • DeSylvia's face 18 MINUTES LATER in the Murder Basement standing over the corpse of the Princess and Del Toro the, now confirmed, serial murderer and cultist known as the Rose
  • The gamut of reactions ("I'm on vacation!") as I meandered through the feast trying to convince every PC with any recognized rank to introduce themselves to the Rathfallian nobility
  • Running all over the camp screaming, "RUN! Pinky is coming!" as the Albino Moose charged unsuspecting adventurers. Props to Jared for still looking ferocious while wearing a pink nightmare
  • Playing Good Elf/Brutal Oathsworn with Ragnarok. Getting Darren the "Honest" Smuggler to flip on his client list only took two knees to face, and the Squire could honestly swear later, "I never put a finger on the man"
  • Same game, but with Asana playing Brutal Selunari. Anna "the Arsonist" Arborist when Dram said, "Look, you are going to jail. But, it is up to you whether you go there on your feet or in his knapsack."
  • Working with Cadenza to send several hundred pounds of salted game through the Mists. "I hope your people like stew."
  • Sarah and Rachelle trying to make me look pretty with make-up and nail polish. '70s Glam Rock Dram is pretty hawt (¡in my mind!)
  • The Maple Room, after hours. (¡Italian Beef is a HOT DOG!)

One thing I didn't like was going back to the old Ritual system. Dice and pulling Plot Marshals away from doing Plot is no fun
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Thank you so much everyone for a magic filled weekend!!!!
I know I’ll forget things but here are favorites:

* Being the Mother of Waves and as Sid says “the big bad”. Sid asking “So how does it feel to scream at an entire room?” Good Sid. It felt good.
* my favorite moment of the entire weekend was with Claire and Derek - Derek was incredibly encouraging during that moment and a great coach - Claire took my breath away - I loved it.
*Nate being at the feast and the hug he passed on from Kelly (missed you Kelly!)
* the beautifulness of everything - peoples costumes - the decorations- the food - the presentation of it all! and thank you to Renza For gorgeous pictures! Adlao, Jordan, Daphne, Marcus! and anyone else unseen by me- thank you soooooo much!
*thank you JT for 1am kitchen cleaning with me
* Derek and the rest of plot putting on a production of a larp event that rivals events that you would pay 1000 dollars for at Disney land. These experiences - and invitation in co-creating them in the moment are unbelievable and priceless- thank you
*Ana- for basically ALL the things. basically reminded me of this quote “Ya know when you were in the car going on vacation and mom was still in the house - everyone else ready to go- and you ask “What is mom doing in there” and the answer: EVERYTHING“. That is you Ana. Everything!
*Rachelle and Stephanie with jaw dropping outfits and fun!
* Dancing - especially dancing with Lorelei and Star! Your eye make was perfect! That silver and Star in Idris colors! YES!!!!!!!
* Brian’s singing and nailing it.
* Rachelles face as Brian sings
*Asana and “stand up - stop laying in the snow! You can be a standing dead body I’m not a monster!” Also him carrying around the unicorn after the hunt
*trying to warn people out of game that I will **** up their face on the makeup mod but still in game declaring I am the best and just flat out telling Sam “I hope you don’t want make up because your snowflakes are perfect”
* DeSylvias face when he was telling me his feelings on missing Mother of Waves hahaha
*my coat
* Nina trying to get Cookie to tell her where the magical land paved with rich men exists
*Everything Iban.
*The bards - and meeting Cadenza Denver bard!!!! Wooot! Welcome! Cadenza has a performance degree and it shows! And the bold bold song “When I am king!” From Ren! Oh buddy…. have a rathfall death wish!? You did amazing
* watching Nate chase Star like two gazelles running at top speed in the woods… with the unicorn running in the background d - Nate whiping out not so much…
* Kyle being the most flexible new player ever! Snake siblings!
* I never saw the “murder basement”. But I did see the bone props falling out of Ana s trunk… it’s own kind of highlight
*Ethans outfits- the body jewelry in the antlers… the makeup!
* “That’s so Raven!”

I’m sure there is more. But just a big thank you
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I also had a great time playing my Sad Boi noble, and my Angry Boi Earth's Chosen.
Really any interaction as Bryas Montague. From talking to Adlao about the Malatite, to PCs about the last campaign against the Blight/"The Procession", I had plenty to say and confirm everyone's worst fears about Rathfall's nobility system.
I didn't play Daniel nearly as much, but getting to play off of Alex and be the young buck aggressively demanding change while Constantine patiently explained why it wouldn't work was so fun. It also got to show Rathfall as a living place with alternate horrible viewpoints, which I think the team excels at.
We got a new player by the name of Kyle who was fantastic. Just excited and ready to help. And good at it.
Being a dead body that the PCs didn't find until too late. You...uh...missed one. S'ok. Sarah gave me hand warmers. I just chilled there in the snow.
Under my breath reactions as Montague:
"Rathfall shall pay the price!" -Mother of Waves
"...when doesn't it?" -Montague

"I now feel confident enough to start a second campaign against the Blight"-Archduke Rumil

"I now feel confident enough to start a second campaign against the Blight"-Archduke Rumil

Each Rathfallian noble had a distinct and obvious response to that, and it was wonderful to see (and quietly note for later plans)
Such a great weekend.

-If you told me this time last year that we wouldn't be catering Feast, I'd call you insane, but here we are, with utterly amazing meals.
-First time ever dressing up as a full makeup race. I have gained a new respect for those who do it every event. Watching peoples' faces react once I started speaking was pretty great. Was fun but man, Macho Man voice for 3 hours really takes a hit on the ol voicebox
-All the prep and hard work that went into dressing up the tavern. Knocked it out of the park
-The hilarious misunderstanding/typo that led to the fantasy equivalent of a weed dealer getting steamrolled by adventurers trying to stop an suspected arsonist. Arborist, the occupation was arborist.
-The Foresight vision. Was a bit cathartic playing nigh unkillable vampires
-Having to stone face through a conversation with Bada and Binar about them not remembering a key detail that would have clued them in immediately to the killer. Owners of the Del Toro Villa
-I know it's been said many times, but thank you Rob. Thank you for your hard work in building this chapter into what it is today. I hope we can do you proud.

Cream rises to the top!
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Thanks to the amazing kitchen staff! Food was great.

Thanks NPC’s for an enjoyable event!

Now in no particular order:

The hunt, was a nice mechanic as we were looking for things not knowing which group would come upon them.

Klack being the first Rathfallen to resurrect (while it has happened in the history of the heroes he is pretty sure he’s the first ever)

The food was amazing

The bard competition.

Alex indulging us as the trackers went looking for the missing body of the Rose.

Sara’s speech as the mother of waves.

I’m sure there is more that I’m missing but thanks again for the great weekend
Thank you to everyone for coming out! It was great to put together such a fun weekend and I couldn't have done it without our amazing staff, from the NPCs, the kitchen staff, our tavern mistress, to all the volunteers that jumped in, this event would be nothing without you. Thank you.

-Friday night Phase Bears is always a hoot. Kudos to the PCs for grinding through it. 6 seconds, Sid!
-A lot of the NPC crew stepped up their nobility game in ways that blew me away. Days later, I'm still hearing about little stories and moments that were scattered throughout the weekend.
-Particularly proud of Sarah for her debut of the Mother of Waves.
-Ethan's Kindershaw costumes were amazing. Each one topped the last.
-Speaking of costumes, LOVED everyone's Feast outfits. There's always something extra magical about Feast events and its because of the outfits the PCs bring in.
-Having the Duelists come in and watching the Militia's reaction and then INSTANTLY giving up Captain Iban when questioned.
-Having Nkosi deep sigh whenever he found a new murder victim. Also kudos to Brian for being a dead body sitting on the cold wet ground during 30 minutes of questioning.
-The dance mod is always a delight for me. Incorporating A Knight's Tale and Final Fantasy into the moves was the cherry on top.
-Friggin' Brian nailing The Night is Young song during the feast. Steph and I insisted we wouldn't break character and then INSTANTLY did. The handful of players that got the Men in Tights reference and starting backup singing with him will always be a larp memory for me.
-Being pull aside by a dozen PCs as the Archduke and handling map lore questions for the next 30 minutes. It was a great feeling to see faces light up when they started to truly understand the plot and the stakes of the story.
-Mapleroom as an ingame afters is becoming a standard thing I can get behind.
-The Asher/Mother of Waves scene had me grinning for hours afterward. You both were a delight to watch.
-Special shout out to Kyle for having an amazing first larp outing.

Thank you all again.
I'm so glad this was my first out-of-state game! You were such a welcoming bunch, and this game in particular was so different than what I've been accustomed to, I'm so happy I made the long drive to meet everyone!

*How accommodating Jared immediately was to me, especially considering how objectively dumb it was to attend a LARP with a bone fracture, he still made sure I had a good time.
*The dryad (Asher?) taking the time to show this new arrival around and point out interesting PCs to talk to was so kind. I appreciate it so much.
*I adore good RP, and all your PCs and NPCs are incredible to chat with and sing to! A RP-heavy event like this was so much fun.
*ADL chapter doesn't have many nobles yet, so I had a lot of fun chatting with nobles and doing things like the etiquette lesson. "What can House Scortia do for YOU??" made me laugh every time.
*Meeting fellow bard Gregor and talking poetry and dancing was a lot of fun, and N'kosi was an absolute delight.
*The bard contest? Didn't know it was happening, but I was really glad I competed! So fun!
*Going back home to the ADL roleplay discord and immediately complaining about "Rathfall sloths" was glorious. I now hate sloths! :)
*Finally, I love getting to do some cross-chapter RP with the food shipment Cadenza brought back to Summerash. The idea that our chapters have interacted in this way, where you helped feed our starving people, could really be the start of something interesting! Thanks for letting that happen. The starving citizens of Summerash thank you!

Y'all the best, can't wait to party in Rathfall again!
~Rebekah (Cadenza)
Rengar: "do you want to be wed to your current suiter?"
Princess: "well its the responsibility of a noble to do whats best for her people."
R: "but I hear your house gains nothing in this marrige?"
P: "If you would like to put your name in the hat you are welcome to."
R: "that may not be a good idea, I have a pension for death."
P: -gives side eye- "is that so?"