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An Elven traveler entered Foxbridge recently one evening, and was showing signs of having been suffering lack of sleep, possibly die to nightmares. With limited room for visitors to stay in, the traveler was put up in the Common House for the evening. Early in the morning, just before dawn, several locals woke to the smell of smoke and the sounds of a roaring fire, punctuated by screams. Many rushed to put out the fire and try to save the traveler, but he was consumed by the flames. Several witnesses claim that they heard the traveler crying and screaming something like, “Make it stop! Please make it stop!”

The traveler did not resurrect.

The Common House is a burnt shell, fortunately the Office of the Royal Census in Foxbridge had copies of the maps that once hung in that building, and have hung them in the Spirits End Tavern.

(OOG: The Nature/Craft building that was used as the Foxbridge Common House, and for Logistics is no longer a safe structure IG. It may at times be used for mods, and when it is the flags will be put around it to show it is being used for such. It will still be used for Logistics as an OOG building.)
I make my way towards Foxbridge from Rendevous and it seems the news I hear grows only grimmer. Dead walk the land laying siege to villages and madness strikes the area like a foul plague. I flee one evil only to find myself in the presence of another. These are dark times indeed.
I make my way towards Foxbridge from Rendevous and it seems the news I hear grows only grimmer. Dead walk the land laying siege to villages and madness strikes the area like a foul plague. I flee one evil only to find myself in the presence of another. These are dark times indeed.
Perhaps the Fates and Forests are leading you this direction for a reason? If you are strong of skill, we can use your arm to defend those that cannot. If you do not have the skill but possess the will and the heart to stand with us, we will get you the skill. Find me in person for any training that you require.

-Durnic Daeron
I'm little more than a guardsman, but I will gladly lend my sword to the aid of the innocent if it will help. I cannot promise that I will remain in Foxbridge as I hunt The Black One, the dark warrior that razed my village in the Savage Lands.

I don't know if the hero's life is for me, but I've always heard heroes are made not born. Perhaps fate has more in store for me than I could possibly understand.
If any know more of the traveler who has reached the end of his path, specifically his origins or name. I would hear of it. If coin is required to obtain this information I will endeavor to make such an exchange.

-Corynn Wicklon, of Wicklon.

(If the elf was Siofran, Corynn will perform the funerary rites in accordance with his tradition and duty as a Shaman of the Tuatha De Ffinan.)