Season 1: Welcome to Cerernys!
Season 2: The Outpost is established and the adventuers try and find their place in society.
Season 3: The Dark Prince has arrived! Can the community hold itself together and defend against the corrupting influence of the Akedians?
Alliance Atlanta World Info — Alliance Atlanta | High Fantasy LARP | Atlanta, GA
This is the information covering the lands of Chalameria and the four Baronies it encompasses.
Chalameria World Map
Laws of Frontier Chalameria
Laws of Frontier Chalameria 7th edition – F.R. 540 onward Forward: The laws and policies of Chalameria (7th edition) have been in place since the year 540 (Fortannis Reckoning) and represent the current state of legality and lawfulness throughout the frontiers of Chalameria. While these laws s...
Chalamerian Code of Chivalry.docx
ChalamerianChivalric Oaths Honesty “I swear to always keep my word when given” Lawfulness “I swear to always conduct myself in a lawful manner” Sobriety “I swear to always conduct my duties with a clear conscience” Love “I swear to always be kind, and to love the country and people to which I am...
The beacons are lit!.docx
To the good people of Chalameria, I reach out to you today to call for aid. Over the last year, our lands have been beset upon by a seemingly endless force of undead, and nefarious entities of great power. Wherever we win a battle, the victories are short lived as another attack elsewhere is qu...
Epilogue: Silver and Gold.docx
Epilogue: Silver and Gold Misha bought out all Kunrad’s milk. Looks like he had enough money to pay for a healer to cure his sick daughter. A will-o-the-wisp was spotted in the woods. Sometimes it heralded peace, other times chaos. You can spot the wisp by the blue light it generates. Anyone ...
Bandit song - The Hero of Cerynus
Steve! The one they call Steve! He robbed from the rich and he gave to the poor. Stood up to the nobles and he gave him what for. Our love for him now, ain't hard to receive! The hero of Cerynus, the man they call Steve! Now Steve saw the adventurers come with greed in their hearts. Looking fo...
Winter's Respite.docx
Since the last gathering of the people of Cerenys word has spread of both the dangers and opportunities abound. Work has begun to manage the path to and from Cerenys. Daily there are caravans coming in and out bringing simple supplies and those who would answer the call for aid. Along with the ...
Fire & Ice Teaser
Since the last gathering of the people of Cerenys word has spread of both the dangers and opportunities abound. Work has begun to manage the path to and from Cerenys. Daily there are caravans coming in and out bringing simple supplies and those who would answer the call for aid. Along with the ...
Epilouge: Fire and Ice.docx
Epilogue: Fire and Ice; Rumors heard around the outpost. Everyone knows there is only one way into the outpost. Too bad all the supplies have to follow that path as they are being overrun by bandits. Kunrad the goat herder really needs to find Mildred and his sheep; he is such a terrible guide ...
"The Darkest Places" Common Knowledge
***The following is all considered knowledge your character may be aware of coming into "The Darkest Places", our Third full weekend event running from Friday March 10th - Sunday March 12th and also recaps what has happened over the end of winter within Cerenys*** Since the last gathering o...
The Darkest Places Rumors
The Darkest Places; Rumors heard around the Out Post The children are sleeping more peacefully now that they know that Brosef; the Lord High Executive of Naps and Snacks, is there to protect them while they dream. The color purple is considered to be a bad omen. Never willingly invite some...
Epilogue: The Darkest Places
Epilogue: The Darkest Places; Rumors heard around the Out Post I really think Brosef should join the Order of Serratura; someone needs to make that title official. Well we found the purple ooze, turns out it was a source the bandits were using to make cheap and easy potions. Good thing the po...
What they fear for; Rumors heard around the Out Post
What they fear for; Rumors heard around the Out Post Pine Cone is not the only person living in the woods. Looks like there may be others living in the woods. These catfish sure are good eating; you gotta catch em when they're young as they taste terrible as they get older. Strange thing i...
Season 2: The Outpost is established and the adventuers try and find their place in society.
Season 2 Our story so far. . .
It was a rough summer, many people took to calling it the Black Summer as the outpost was nearly completely reliant on supplies organized from throughout all of Chalameria. Food in the Dreamwood was always scarce as monsters and the corruption in the woods made hunting and gathering unsafe and...
Season 2 Episode 1 Rumors
With the PyreTide Festival caravan traffic has doubled. We might not have enough for a true feast but we can at least have a celebration to revel in. I don’t know about you but those catfish critters sure are tasty. You just gotta catch 'em before they walk upright. A white rabbit has been s...
Epilouge: Within a Forest Dark.
PyreTide was a huge success! So much revelry was had, gifts were exchanged, and promises made. Caravans from all over the lands came and filled our pantry. We are so blessed at the outpost and have nothing but hope for the coming year. Looks like those walking catfish are trying to find a pl...
Welcome brave adventurers of Fortannis to Pyretide! Pyretide is an annual celebration across the baronies where we honor the fallen heroes, and brace for winter’s trials. Like the rebirth of the phoenix which it honors, this occasion is in equal parts joyous and solemn, and we are happy to have ...
Season 2 Episode 2 Rumors
I didn’t think times were tough but I saw that Wilderkin selling rocks for people to eat. . . Strange times. I don't get why so many travelers think you can reach Cerenys by ship. We are landlocked with the only entrance in or out being the Vinelord’s passage. Someone or something is stealing...
Epilouge: The Consequence of Silent Deeds
Epilogue: The Consequence of Silent Deeds The bandit moot went well. Our leaders talked to the yellow leaders and agreed to a compromise. 30 gold now and the bandits would work protecting the caravans they once preyed on. If they do this in good faith they are to receive 50 gold from the O...
Season 2 Episode 3 Rumors
So many different merchants and colourful characters are all showing up to the outpost. I thought Pyre Tide was big, looks like Carnivale will be even bigger! Cabbage, Artichokes, Pomegranates what is next in this bizarre salad ?!? Never make fun of another person’s misfortune. Anyone ever ...
Epilouge: A Mask of Vindication
What an exciting carnival! I never thought there would be so many things to enjoy here at the outpost! I can’t wait until the next time our Cousins from the East come! Are the Chupacabras really gone? One down, Two to go . . . Brittany !?! Sometimes it feels that the safer we make this pl...
Lantern Parade
The Lantern Parade symbolizes various aspects of renewal and reconciliation through its six white lanterns, each embodying a different attribute. The first lantern represents rebirth, a reminder of the endless cycles of life and the opportunities for new beginnings. The second lantern signifies ...
Season 2 Episode 4 Rumors
Looks like the Order of Istrado is bringing back an old Tradition, the lantern parade. What better way to hold back the creatures of the night with a parade of light. It's best to sleep with a weapon nearby these days. Anyone seen the old man in the woods lately? Heard someone calling thems...
Epilogue: From a Little Spark.
The Lantern Parade was a huge success! I have never seen so many pretty lights before! The Phoenix has hatched and has been given a name! Such a little cutie, Crimson Lil Spark, may they have a wonderful and happy Birthday! Looks like Brittany is stirring up trouble; says they were promise...
Season 3: The Dark Prince has arrived! Can the community hold itself together and defend against the corrupting influence of the Akedians?
Celestial Guild Ritual Scrolls for Sale
Celestial Guild Ritual Scrolls for Sale (Availability varies wildly; contact Yew for details and inquiries. Prices are for just scrolls; catalysts are not available at this time.) Audible Projection 5g Banish to Other Plane 10g Blissful Rest 3g Bountiful Harvest 3g Cloak of Darkn...
Prelude to Season 3: Catching ones breath.
War Has Been Declared! The Dark Prince has returned and rallied his army of Akedians to bring the Dream Wood under his control. This is a dark and strange time, as it feels as if our hard work has taken a step backward. Yet, we persevere! The Outpost rallied and beat back the Dark Prince from cor...
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