Recovery Efforts


Baron Agurzil charged me with making a map to track the effects of the sinking of Thessi and the encroaching jungle. I am offering this map for public consumption here, in case anyone wants to aid in recovery efforts or research and wants suggestions on how they can help. My initial map is outdated, and the thoughts below are before confirmed disaster reports. These will be remedied, but time is of the essence to aid in recovery, so I am providing what I have at this time. The hashed areas are confirmed to have jungle encroachment, and the double hashed areas are under water. Please use this as you will- there will be much aid needed throughout much of the continent, and we still know little about these crises.

Everywhere and Always,
Squire Aelawen Guildenfeather of Nordenn.


1- The Vacarran Isles- They are in great immediate danger from tidal activity. Also, the dryads have already crossed water once. We do not know which way they will expand next, and may arrive there.
2- The Isle of Camulous- It is in extreme danger from the tidal activity.
3- The island of the Kailiani (spelling?) horned wood elf tribes- I do not know its name or location on the map, but it may be in danger.
4- Home- I have heard no news of this nation. Do we have confirmation of any activity? Do we have casualty reports and refugees to assist or to be evacuated?
5- Saribdis- I have heard no news of this nation. Do we have confirmation of any activity? Do we have casualty reports and refugees to assist or to be evacuated?
6- Lempur- Do we have casualty reports and refugees to assist or to be evacuated?
7- The 5 kingdoms- Do we have casualty reports and refugees to assist or to be evacuated?
8- Romani- My sources report the likely presence of the Denastii clan in the Great Desert and the Cortannos clan in the Bay of Vaccar. If anyone has Romani contacts, they may want to try to network to provide and obtain information or aid.
9- Galanthia- As they are not allies, I have no word from Galanthia, but they are directly adjacent to the current borders of the jungle. Reports of Galanthia would be useful, and we may see refugees from there.
10- Imladar- Imladar may be subject to tidal flooding and may see Thessi refugees.
11- Duchy of Evorra- The entire duchy is right at the mouth of the bay, and they may receive extensive Thessi resurrections and refugees, and may sustain significant tidal flooding. Again, we do not know the next direction the dryads may choose to head. If they cross water, Evorra is the closest Icenian landmass to their last known location.
12- Blythedale- Blythedale has a small coast, but it’s near the mouth of the bay.
13- Nordenn- The bay already leads directly into the Haunted Marsh. I do not know what effects tidal flooding could have on the region. They also may receive significant Thessi resurrections and refugees, due to the existing local biata population and heritage.
14- Ash Forest- The Isle of Synvia could be in significant danger, as well as South Point. Zalinarik’s Keep is also on the water’s edge.
15- The Ducal Fiefs- Although they are on the other side of the bay, they have a significant coastline.
16- Corrheim- I believe Corrheim has a small coastline, but it has one. Also, if the jungle next expands on land, they are the nearest Icenian barony to the jungle’s current location on land.
Squire Aelawen,

Currently making my way to Imladar.
I will advise you of our situation upon my arrival.

Squire Altohtaro Armand
Northern Imladar Regional Command - Special Forces Division, Ohtar
Imladari Ambassador Pro Tempore to the Duchy of Ashbury
The following four cities are in major danger and as per Her Majesty's decree should have been evacuated by now. Under no circumstance should anyone attempt to remain in these cities.

South Point.
Port Frederick

I'm on my way to the Vakkar Isles via my flag ship. It's really bad out here. I do not recommend anyone with anything less than a full warship attempt sailing in the Bay of Vacara until this all settles down. We are getting battered really badly by the waves.

I'll report back when I have more information.

Sir Amaranthus Landcharmer
Royal Knight of Icenia
Don't waste effort on the Vakkaran Isles, they were razed and abandoned several years ago.

I will prep Synvia as best I can. I will not abandoned these people again.
Sir Amaranthus,
I have already been in the area of Soutpoint, and I am working on coordinating the three Regiments in the area. Chulainn, I suggest you coordinate with the Captains of the Southpoint marines. The sudden tide has cause damage, but this is a force that has been trained for rapid marine deployment for years now. If you lean upon what we have placed there you will find that the Isle of Synvia and its people have been prepared for.

Lord Captain Simon Neville
Command of the Black Candles
Court Wizard of the Ash Forest.
I will start pointing Cyno in the direct he needs to be heading. I am follow his lead on this. Dame Kailana has place him in charge of this Isle and it people. But I will try to get word to the Captains.
Lord Captain Simon and anyone else in that area,

I am currently on my way to Southpoint to perform resurrections, assist with mental trauma, and to aid in any other way. Should you have need of my services do not hesitate to seek me out.

Honor and duty,

-Squire Gwendara Alanik of Corrheim
To my allies,

I've been moving swiftly in the attempt to save lives. Stay safe everyone.

-Vincent Tarethial
Chulainn and I are assisting Cyno and the people of Synvia as best we can. We will prep the island as much as possible.

-Sefid Rayna Satyrsbane
I am en route to the Camulan Isles and will report my findings.
I'm with a detachment looking to make sure Valiants landing is secure and them intend to use longboats and enlist the aid of the Gorerain to assist in resumes. It would be admirable toil to work hard and save lives
Of Saribdis,
Saribdis still stood when I visited it over the winter, but as this jungle spreads rapidly that is no true measure of if it still stands. I will attempt to send a missive to ask of their status as soon as I am able, and will provide the given answer to update the map.

May all of your paths be lit by the sun
Karvedoma ó Dubhghaill child of the Kyralia
Member of the Court of Brittington