Registration for July 24th-26th

Re: Preregistration for July 24th-26th Now Open!

The longer it goes that we don't get your pre-reg's, the more frightening plot I'll write... so turn them in!
*Holds pen menacingly above paper*
Re: Preregistration for July 24th-26th Now Open!

Don't tempt them. That would make me hold of my pre-reg personally.
Re: Preregistration for July 24th-26th Now Open!

I have some big maybes from like 3 others here in CHI-town... were trying Dave.

Re: Preregistration for July 24th-26th Now Open!

Pual, take a board, put a nail in it, and look at them all intimidating like.... :D Thats how Chris and Dave got me to first play, its bound to work for just about anything else lol
Preregistration has expired, but we would still be glad to see more registrations come in so we have accurate numbers for the game, last thing we want to do is run out of food!

Don't worry. I'll be there, and we both know whatever I play - I'll always be a packet magnet for you to hide behind. It's the curse of the big man.

The problem is that I cant pick you up and use you as a shield....
AllianceCHI said:
The problem is that I cant pick you up and use you as a shield....

I've thought of using Emilynn that way when she's playing Rhys, but it would only work for like 60 seconds....
...the idea would be during the 60 seconds between bleedout (when yer unconscious and can't punish me for my misdeeds) and death when you count as an Item and I take the effects anyway...
careful guys, i don't want you to give paul any ideas about using me as a shield... for any pc or npc he might have....
Hey folks. I'll be there Saturday to NPC for sure, and I may be able to arrive Friday evening and stay through Sunday.
I am not 100% sure I will be able to make it this weekend. The contract agency I work for screwed up my paycheck big time and I might not have the funds.