Registration Still Open for August 16-18 Event!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hey folks!

It's almost time for the August 16th-18th event, and that means that Pre-Registration is now open! The plot team is hard at work preparing an awesome time for y'all, and I hope you're looking forward to it as much as I am!

Logistics will open at 6:00 PM, with Game-On by roughly 9:00-10:00 PM, and Game-Off by noon on Sunday.

This event will take place at the following site:
Camp Stearns
3303 County Road 44
South Haven, MN, 55382

Pre-registering is highly encouraged, for it lets the staff know you're attending and, as such, lets us prepare what we need to do ahead of time. Pre-registering makes everything run smoother, and lets us get our game started all the faster, which is always convenient. It also gets you a discounted fee for the event! The sooner you get your pre-reg in, the more pleased the Logistics folks will be, so get those pre-regs in! Even if you're NPCing, please don't forget to pre-reg. It's important for us to know how many NPCs are coming, etc.

The cost for this event is $60 for PCing and $10 for NPCing, though if you Pre-Register, the cost drops to $50 to PC and $5 for NPCs.

For a form for preregistration, check out Simply fill out the information you need to send it. Otherwise, you can just email your pre-reg to, but we would greatly prefer if you were to use the website form, considering it makes things a lot easier for the Logistics staff. Pre-regs should include: Build Expenditures, Goblin Stamp Expenditures, Magic Item info (item number, effects, expiration, etc.), any Production skill use, any Craftsman skills, and anything else you deem appropriate (categories are listed on the online form).

Pre-regs were due by Monday, August 12th at midnight. Registering now does not get you the discounted rate, but is still highly appreciated by our logistics folks!

Players with purple text have additional information needed for their pre-regs and should send the missing info to logistics before Wednesday, August 14th! Please send a message to the Logistics email address with any updates.

Players with red names have memberships that are expired and need to be renewed ($5 for a three month membership, and $15 for one year).

Pre-registered PCs:
1. Dave G. (Jehyu) Production
2. Ryan Be. (Asher)
3. Timothy M. (Jonathan)
4. Sean V. (Nahani)
5. Paige H. (Panda)
6. Nadine V. (Neolani)
7. Matt M. (Victor)
8. Patrick L. (Artemis)
9. Rob D. (Kitaruen)
10. Al W. (Aldorian)
11. Kyle S. (Briar)
12. Luke W. (Kaito)
13. Ryan Bu. (Dure'dhel)
14. David R. (Iganeous)
15. Christina S. (Socora)
16. Carly B. (Dagmara)
17. Rick B. (York)
18. Mariah S. (Talitha)
19. Josh S. (Lightning)
20. Jaimi D. (Nova)
21. Doug M. (K'Tarn)
22. Emilynn H. (Rhys)
23. Chris H. (Arkimedies)
24. Matt N. (Kalin)
25. Nathan K. (Thorador)
26. Adam P. (Asura)

Pre-registered NPCs:
1. Alexander T.
2. Peter H.
3. Anthony G.
4. David T. (New Player!)
5. Greg L.
6. Andrew L.
7. Vaughn W. (Arriving Later)
8. Devin H. (Arriving Later)
9. Marc C. (Arriving Later)
10. Jake S.
11. Adric F.
12. Jack B.
13. Ryan H.
14. Corey G. (New Player!)
15. Kat M. (Arriving Later)
16. Amberlee H.

Registered NPCs:
17. Lou A. (New Player!)
Re: Pre-Registration for August 16-18 Event Open!

Nobody else huh? Don't worry Alexander....I'll come larp with you!
Re: Pre-Registration for August 16-18 Event Open!

I'd come keep yall company if you were doing it on a different weekend.
Re: Pre-Registration for August 16-18 Event Open!

I'm...98% sure I'm coming. But I know that going back on your pre-registration is a bad idea. So I'll wait awhile.

Dave, are you actually playing Jehyu a majority of the time this weekend? Or just popping in when you can?
Re: Pre-Registration for August 16-18 Event Open!

I'll be NPCing for part of the event.
Re: Pre-Registration for August 16-18 Event Open!

Korvayle said:
I'm...98% sure I'm coming. But I know that going back on your pre-registration is a bad idea. So I'll wait awhile.

Dave, are you actually playing Jehyu a majority of the time this weekend? Or just popping in when you can?

I'll be in for a few hours a day at most on the bunny, to much other stuff to run ^.^
Re: Pre-Registration for August 16-18 Event Open!

Will we be using the same camp area in Sterns that we did before?
Re: Pre-Registration for August 16-18 Event Open!

I will probably continue to NPC until late this season or possibly next season while I save up funds for much better costuming, armor, and other items.
Re: Pre-Registration for August 16-18 Event Open!

Hey folks, make sure to get your pre-regs in! The deadline is less than a week from now, so get those in as soon as possible!
Re: Pre-Registration for August 16-18 Event Open!

I'm going to be showing up late if I go, due to a marching band parade on Saturday Morning, hopefully I'll be able to bring some friends with, we'll see how many of them are able to go. I don't want to keep lying about dragging tons of people up to LARP, I promise I have more friends who are interested. :sweat:

Re: Pre-Registration for August 16-18 Event Open!

Unfortunately, It's looking really uncertain for Jen & I to be attending due to all the things that are currently going wrong for us at the moment. :tears: (If you don't already know what's up from my Facebook postings, just ask Jen or myself...)
Re: Pre-Registration for August 16-18 Event Open!

Did my prereg get through. I did it on the website.
Re: Pre-Registration for August 16-18 Event Open!

right now i'm not sure what my work schedule will be like ,I should know by Friday what i'll be doing for that weekend and register either this Friday or Saturday.

David raatz
Re: Pre-Registration for August 16-18 Event Open!

Confirmed, I just needed to make sure that the people I was going up with were going too, they should be pre-regging soon.
Re: Pre-Registration for August 16-18 Event Open!

What time do you think you will be able to make it? That way we could potentially plan to delay the c-guild meeting until roughly around that time.
Re: Pre-Registration for August 16-18 Event Open!

Dr_Chill said:
What time do you think you will be able to make it? That way we could potentially plan to delay the c-guild meeting until roughly around that time.

I'm actually going to be NPC'ing this event, due to the fact I probably wouldn't be able to get there until about 1:30-2, and I'm (hopefully) coming with a couple of friends who will be NPC'ing. But thanks for thinking of me, I really do appreciate that!
Re: Pre-Registration for August 16-18 Event Open!

It's looking like a small event so far... Get your pre-regs in as soon as possible!
Re: Pre-Registration for August 16-18 Event Open!

well just signed up for the event, hope it gets through, using someones elses computer and not use to its system.

david raatz
Re: Pre-Registration for August 16-18 Event Open!

Check out that 1:1 ratio we have going!

...but I have a feeling we'll get some last-minute PCs pre-regs. Pre-registration ends at midnight tonight, so get those in as soon as possible if you haven't already!