Registration Still Open for May 1st-3rd Weekend Event!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hey y'all!

The May 1st-3rd Opener Weekend event is closer than you think, and that means that Pre-Registration is now open! The plot team is already at work preparing an awesome time for y'all, and I hope you're looking forward to it as much as I am!

Logistics will open at approximately 6:00 PM on Friday, with Game-On hopefully by 9:00 PM, and Game-Off at approximately noon on Sunday. We always would like to try to get the event started as fast as possible, so try to arrive punctually if you can!

This event will take place at the following site:
(Camp Matta)
1538 180th Avenue
Kanabec Twp, MN

There will be a $5 discount for those sleeping in tents, so bring one! It helps fit everyone on site!

Pre-registering is highly encouraged, for it lets the staff know you're attending and, as such, lets us prepare what we need to do ahead of time. Pre-registering makes everything run smoother, and lets us get our game started all the faster, which is always convenient. It also gets you a discounted fee for the event! The sooner you get your pre-reg in, the more pleased the Logistics folks will be, so get those pre-regs in! Even if you're NPCing, please don't forget to pre-reg. It's important for us to know how many NPCs are coming, etc.

The cost for this event is $60 for PCing and $10 for NPCing, with a discount for pre-registering (making it $50 to PC or $5 to NPC with an on-time pre-reg). First and second time players get their game half-off (or free to NPC)!

For a form for registration, check out and simply fill out the information. Otherwise, you can just email your pre-reg to, but we would greatly prefer if you were to use the website form, considering it makes things a lot easier for the Logistics staff. Pre-regs should include: Build Expenditures, Goblin Stamp Expenditures, Magic Item info (item number, effects, expiration, etc.), any Production skill use, any Craftsman skills, and anything else you deem appropriate (categories are listed on the online form).

Players with purple text by their name should send the requested information to logistics prior to the event if at all possible as soon as possible!

Pre-regs were due by Monday, April 27th at midnight! You do not get the discount for registering at this point, but it is still highly encouraged by the logistics staff for you to do so!

Pre-Registered PCs:
1. Peter H. (Cho Ko Nu)
2. Emma B. (Ilana)
3. David R. (Iganeous)
4. Rick B. (Oliver)
5. Ryan Be. (Asher)
6. Emilynn H. (Lena)
7. Mariah S. (Talitha)
8. Jonathan M. (Roff)
9. Christina S. (Socora)
10. Kyle S. (Briar)
11. Doug M. (Ole)
12. Seamus C. (Benjamin)
13. Carly B. (Fiona)
14. Patrick L. (Artemis)
15. Matt M. (Sir Victor)
16. Luke W. (Kaito)
17. Kat M. (Benedine) - Build Expenditures, Magic Items
18. Jen S. (Jamina)

Registered PCs:
19. Wanda M. (Naomi)
20.) Andrea R. (Expected)

Pre-Registered NPCs:
1. Alexander T.
2. Vaughn W.
3. Dave G.
4. Kendra W.
5. Mitchell K. (New Player!)
6. Ryan H.
7. Mike V.
8. Stephen R.
9. Annie. S. (New Player!)
10. Greg L.
11. Jenna C.
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Of course the ONE time other ONE barbarian is in town the other ONE can't make it.

But really I hope everyone has an awesome time.
Woo! My first first!

Also, Cho Ko Nu is there more often than you think :p
I was actually super disappointed I wasn't first. Damn you Peter!! *shakes fist angrily*
You know for a small processing fee I'm sure we could recheck the order of who pre-regged when.... ^.^
Greg L. will be NPC'ing the large mods, otherwise he'll be taking on the character of a swash-buckling deck hand sailing the western ocean along it's treacherous cliff face, looking to create a point of easy access to the plains above.
Greg. It took me 3 reads of your post to understand what you were referencing, then I finally got it.

...It's been a rough Monday indeed.
What preparations would a first time player need to have ready for this weekend? And What if someone only was going to attend for the most part of Saturday, is there a discount or the same price?
If you are going to PC you should check out the rule book, or at least have an idea of what archtype you'd like to play, we can help you design a character past that point. Unfortunately we do not offer discounts for partial events simply because it does not cost us less if people are only on the site for a partial event. However as a first time player your first event is half priced ($25) so that is functionally the same thing. Food is included in the event.

You can get a pretty good idea of what to bring here ->
Rulebook link ->
As far as creating your character, there are two things to consider: Your race and your skills. Alliance has 15 different races PCs can play as, and characters are built on a point-based skill system with 7 different character classes to choose from.

The races are explaining starting on page 38 of the Alliance Rulebook and the classes/skills are explained starting on page 48.

Characters start with 15 Build Points which they use to buy skills (such as the One-Handed Edge skill, which allows you to wield one-handed swords and axes, or the Read/Write skill, which grants you literacy, etc.), gaining more build as they attend events and buying more skills over time. Any class can buy any skill, but the cost for each skill varies depending on your class (such as Fighters getting cheaper weapon skills than Scholars, but Scholars getting cheaper spellcasting skills than Fighters, etc.).

So have a look at the races/classes/skills to get a gist of what kind of character you want, then some of the other players can help you get your character all built up and ready to play for the event. :) Even though we're technically past the pre-reg deadline, we still accept registrations and I encourage you to submit one (even with unknown Build Expenditures and such) if you plan on coming this weekend, mostly so we can get a good headcount and know any dietary restrictions our food staff will need to know.
I have a few friends that may join in as well. Should I refer them here then? From the sounds of it, we will all be joining for Saturday and then leaving at the end of the day.
Yes, have everyone that plans to come let us know so that we can plan appropriately. :)
Thank you everyone for your answers, but it looks like we will have to join you at your June game. A few of us need to get some garb and what not prepared and then we should be set.

One last question, what are your average attendances like?
As you can see from the Pre-registration list we usually run between 30 and 50 folks depending on the event. As an aside we should have sufficient basic Garb in Monster camp to loan, I'd not let that stop you from attending!
In a last minuet panic I may be able to go but it's not certain. If you can swing by the woodbury area send me a quick txt at (REDACTED) with who you are and what time you think you could swing by and all that general useful information.
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