Registration Still Open for November 19-20 Event!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hey folks!

It's almost time for the November 19th-20th event, and that means that Pre-Registration is now open! This is going to be an awesome event, so make sure you show up!

For this event, which is only occurring on Saturday and Sunday instead of the usual Fri-Sat-Sun, check-in starts at 8:00 AM with game on at 10:00 AM. We'll be playing later in the day Sunday then we usually do, and this will be a full weekend event with new logistics at Sunday Breakfast. Food service this game will be Dinner and Breakfast, with some snacks around lunchtime so please eat on your way in.

This event will take place at the Camp Salie site:
Camp Salie
22342 Martin Lake Rd
Stacy, MN, 55079

Pre-registering is highly encouraged, for it lets the staff know you're attending and, as such, lets us teams prepare what's we need to ahead of time. Pre-registering makes everything run smoother, and lets us get our game started all the faster, which is always convenient. It also gets you a discounted fee for the event!

The sooner you get your pre-reg in, the more pleased the logistics folks will be, so get those pre-regs in! Even if you're NPCing, please don't forget to pre-reg. It's important for us to know how many NPCs are coming, etc.

For a form for preregistration, check out Simply fill out the information you need to send it. Otherwise, you can just email your pre-reg to, but we would greatly prefer if you were to use the website form, considering it makes things a lot easier for the Logistics staff. In past, there were a few bugs with the online form, but I believe they've been cleared up, so either option ought to work just fine.

Pre-regs should include: Build Expenditures, Goblin Stamp Expenditures, Magic Item info (item number, effects, expiration, etc.), any Production skill use, any Craftsman skills, and anything else you deem appropriate (categories are listed on the online form).

Pre-regs are due by midnight of Monday, the 14th of November! HOWEVER, REGISTRATIONS NOW ARE STILL HIGHLY ENCOURAGED!

Registration now does not get you the discounted rate, but is still highly appreciated by the chapter, considering it still greatly helps out with the logistics process!

I look forward to seeing y'all again!

~ Alexander
SoMN Logistics Master

1. David G.
2. Alexander T.
3. Mariah S.
4. Andrea R.
5. Ryan Be. - Prepaid
6. Rick B.
7. Josh S.
8. Paul F.
9. Robert D.
10. Nathan K.
11. Victoria P.
12. Daphne P.
13. Courtney H.
14. Peter D.
15. David C.
16. Teague M.
17. Seamus C.
18. Denise C.
19. Timothy M.
20. Sarah S.
21. Xavier M.

22. Lexi L.

1. Emilynn H.
2. David T.
3. Kyle S.
4. Nick B.
5. Kristin G.
6. Al W.
7. Amy G.
8. Peter H.
9. Tristin W.
10. Stephen R.
11. Brent W.
12. Paige H.
13. David T.

12. Michael L.
13. Ariana B.
14. Naomi F.

Black - Good to go, you've got a membership (or you have a current membership in another 'home' chapter), we've received your card, and you are ready to play!
Red - Mostly good to go, our database shows your membership as expired, if this is in error send a note to logistics!
Blue - Mostly good to go, your card is coming from out of chapter and we haven't seen it (yet)
Green - Both Red and Blue
Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

Sent 5 minutes after posted! Two points for the board lurker.
Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

So quick question: if Im pretty sure I'm going but I'm not quite sure, should I just send in the prereg and possibly not show up or delay sending it until I know for sure and possibly miss the prereg deadline?
Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

flying out to NPC... :shades:
Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

I'll be NPCing, not sure for how much of it though as I work...
Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

Gorka's coming.

Hopefuly she'll bring me along...
Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

If it's not to cold i may npc also. :cold:
I may have to leave earlier on sunday but i want to come.
Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

Please check out our fancy new color coded chart, the good news is with all my free time with the new staff I'm able to develop fancy new database features, bad news is a very large percentage of our players are behind on membership (with the last major push happening in Feb/2010) so please make sure to double check, and let us know of any errors so we can fix them!

Also Al, you totally need to come NPC, we've got plenty of heated cabins on a smaller site during this event (plus with the sat/sunday set up, it'll be heavily day light play, wahoo!)

as to the question - So quick question: if Im pretty sure I'm going but I'm not quite sure, should I just send in the prereg and possibly not show up or delay sending it until I know for sure and possibly miss the prereg deadline?

Please pre-reg, but then let us know if you CAN'T make it, as soon as you know for sure.
Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

Good news everyone! It will be a little less cold since Icey won't be showing up. Boss denied me the time off, bleh ><
Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

hah! David's, both the only ones fully ready FTW! :P

Feels good to be a David...
Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

I like the coloring, if you don't already, an email to let those people know that their membership is up would be really cool too.
Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

Icey said:
Good news everyone! It will be a little less cold since Icey won't be showing up. Boss denied me the time off, bleh ><

And neither will the Wolf and Gypsy. But not for same reason... :grrr:
Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

Get those pre-regs in, folks!
Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

Icey said:
Good news everyone! It will be a little less cold since Icey won't be showing up. Boss denied me the time off, bleh ><

This is not good news, you need some revealing pictures or something to blackmail him with...
Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

I already sent mine, where's the update? :(
Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

Hi All.
I think i have preregged.
Going to NPC.
Should be fun.
Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

just want to check if u got mine althought i'd see a nick b on the npc list hope thats me
Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

Sent mine in via the website form - let me know if you didn't get it! Thanks :D
Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

denise_eviana said:
Sent mine in via the website form - let me know if you didn't get it! Thanks :D
We got it, don't worry. :thumbsup:
Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

unfortunely this dwarf will not be able to attend due to some family/holiday events came up early due to everyone's odd work hours,hope you all are well and be safe!

david raatz aka Iganeous