Registration Still Open for November 19-20 Event!

Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event!

Remember remember the 14th of November, only 8 hours left to be pre-regged folks!
Hello All.
Unfortunatly i won't be able to go to this weekends event.
I got a few big school projects i need to get done by Monday.
Sorry i won't be there. This one sounds like fun.
Have fun all.
Hey, I sent mine in via form this monday, have you not gotten it?
Felixmac09 said:
Hey, I sent mine in via form this monday, have you not gotten it?

Its because they're planning a "special" mod, just for you and your feathered friends, involving stuffing golems...
Felixmac09 said:
Hey, I sent mine in via form this monday, have you not gotten it?

Oddly, we apparently did not receive your pre-reg, despite us getting everybody else that used the web form. If you could send it again, either using the form or email, that would be appreciated.
EricMarsters said:
Felixmac09 said:
Hey, I sent mine in via form this monday, have you not gotten it?

Its because they're planning a "special" mod, just for you and your feathered friends, involving stuffing golems...

I hope they aren't scaling it very high, cause i think Jonathan is the only one there.
Hi, I thought that I had pre-registered rather early, but I don't see my name listed up there. I do intend to go, so if someone could confirm my application, which I distinctly remember sending in, [originally I was going to go to the october event, but I had a family emergency, so I just told you guys to use the same application form that I sent in for the October one for this one] that'd be great.
If you didn't resend after the Registration was open you wouldn't be on the list, however even if people decide to come last minute we always have our full database on site, so never worry we don't have your toon ready. Second point, please make sure to add your name or something to your posts, I do my best to remember everyone but It's harder to follow up if I don't recognize the player right away ^.^
But I'm saying I did apply, quite early in fact. I believe I talked with either you or Alexander, whoever the logistics person is that people talk to when they E-mail the team. My name's Xavier by the way. Xavier Madison. So, what do you want me to do?
Hey enjoy the event all, I am out due to family goings on. If life wasnt complicated youd level to fast