Reply to your messenger....


Very subtle... so here is subtle.

For the person(s) who sent a messenger to my home and described how my family would be harmed if actions occured against anyone on your "list", regardless of whether or not my family had any connection to harming those individuals....

Well you opened your own funeral.

I am not a murderer. However I often dispense the law with great effectiveness. Some of my compatriots have even commented how zealous I am when it comes to carrying out the strictures of my people.

If you want to threaten me or my family- I have good news for you. I know exactly who you are. If a single person in my family dies from your hand I will ask for the stictess punishments from both of our peoples. I will carry my blade in my hand for a thousand nights until your presence is utterly gone from this realm.

I had no qualm with you. I had no reason to until now.

But now you've got my blade edged into your back and I'm all more than willing to end this fight you've threatened to start.


I appreciate your intent to protect your people: it is an admirable trait. Such intensity shows you care deeply for their safety. However, having the intesnity of zealousness is very dangerous. I have known some men who have been so dedicated to their goal, that they have been blinded to good sense and reasoning.

If you would like the law to prevail, then simply look to those who can apply it. People like myself, the Ducal Guard, and the Legraetman exist to hold up the law so that others do not have to worry themselves with said burden.

If you want to protect your family, do so in the manner that would benefit them the most. If you were to take action against anyone in any way that would deem unlawful, then I must intervene. Believe me when I tell you Balryn, that I would rather not deprive your family of your presence. However, my word of honor forbids me to ignore practices of vigilatism.

This bit of counsil goes to the person who sent their message to Balryn as well. Take any unlawful action against him and his kin, and I will intervene. My duty is to protect everyone and everything welcome within the Duchessa's land: this includes Rom, Gaje, and anyone inbetween.

Believe me when I tell you that I do not relish in the prospect of taking up arms against anyone of this town. I would rather rally together and present a force against any outside threats. This town is my home: its people my family. While both of you would obviously like to proctect them and theirs, I must also protect mine. Even if it means moving against those I am sworn to protect. If a conflict were to arise between Balryn and his mysterious correspondent, and my involvement is necissary, I will throw myself in the middle; and I *will* be fighting against both sides.

I hope I have adequately illusrated my point. To both parties involved: please show good judgement in the days to come.

Johnathan Lancaster

I fully understand the point of the law, I have debated law for a good time with many nationalities. However where this starts and where it ends is completely outside of the law.

Here in the duchy, in this land of merchantile needs and contracts I have no reason to go outside of the law. But where this land's borders stop- mine do not. This land is merely a small piece of my life and while I can understand that people such as yourself have chosen to make this your home, my life doesn't allow this to be anything more than just another trading route.
