Reporting a crime


Help! I need to report an attempted assault to whatever legal authority is most appropriate for crimes committed outside of the Fairfax Keep.

I was looking for my grandmother in that area when I came upon a group of otherwise very reasonable-looking people on the road. They informed me that my poor grandmother had been detained for some reason--I'm very worried about her as well, she has very frail health!--however, I decided to return later, as it was rather late at night by this point. Anyway, as I tried to take my leave, a male Stone Elf in a pirate hat started to attack me with magic! Of course I was terrified and fled for my life. Luckily the ruffian decided not to chase me, but I'm certain that I would have been robbed or worse if I hadn't gotten away!

Can anyone help me with this? I'm afraid that these bandits may know where I live and could come after me again.

Sarah McNulty
Hello Sarah,

I am Joseph. I was with this group, and would like to talk to you about your grandmother's situation. She has been accused by Sir Foss of Necromancy. She consented to arrest by the dear Sheriff, and was escorted to the Keep. Her trial has not occurred as far as I know. She was treated gently and with respect, after a time of misunderstanding. Those adventurers that chased you were concerned about the appearance of blood by your mouth, and the late hour by which you happened past. I believe they assumed that if your grandmother were guilty of the charges she now faces, then you would be a likely accomplice. Please take care to prove your grandmother's innocence, and take due consideration into your own safety.

If I can ever be of service after the conclusion of the trial, I am available by letter.

Joe Smith, owner of Smith and Stitch.
Hello there Joseph! It's so good to hear from citizens concerned for the safety of the McNulty family.

I'm quite sure that my poor dear grandmother was merely confused at being abruptly accosted during the friendly meeting of Westhaven's various merchanting conglomerates. I of course trust the good Knight's judgment, but I'm sure this was merely the result of some kind of misunderstanding. I regret that I was late to the meeting and was not able to clear up whatever confusion caused this whole debacle! I must admit that, uh ... the cherry harvest had come in, and I was ... sampling our wares. I can scarcely imagine the sort of horrors you poor adventurers must have to confront every day if you see a young...ish Human person and mistake the mere stains of fruit juice upon her lips for the blood of the innocent that she no doubt must enjoy on a daily basis to sustain her eternal existence. That... is definitely not the case here.

Well, I suppose I shall have to gather our liquid assets and rally to our family's venerated matron's legal defense. Thank you for being so forthcoming and informing me of what befell poor Granny Sibyl!

Sarah McNulty
Huh! Who knew all these merchants were truly just simple, ordinary folk? Good people like Petyr, and now of course this young Sarah woman who is absolutely just looking for her ordinary Grandmother and is in no way undead of ANY kind.

I better be more careful when I talk to merchants in the future! *he chuckles*

Banradi -

Add them to the list after "simple healers". *chuckle*

- Eric

I am currently looking into the matter of your assault. As for your grandmother. The sheriff I'm sure is conducting a full investigation as so if this is just a misunderstanding she can be released.

Banradi and Eric,

I take this matter seriously and if you do not have anything to help this investigation one way or another I would appreciate keeping you comments to yourselves.

Ser Foss Siril
Good Sir Knight,
My understanding of the legal process is that the accused and accuser both get to call witnesses. I am available to represent Sarah McNulty should the need arise. Also available to represent Sybil McNulty for that matter. I wish to convey that I do this in service of truth and not in choosing sides.

Uh, pretty sure unless yer a noble, da sheriff or da knight can just say, "you committed dis crime, pay dis fine," or, "you committed dis crime, da punishment is death." Not sure why yer jumpin' to defend necromancers. Let Ser Foss handle it.


As I was there at both the arrest and the assault, I can attest that Sybil McNulty was promised a fair trial by the Sheriff. I intend to see that through as it is unclear whether Necromancy was truly used by Sybil McNulty. If we do not deal in truth, are our actions less just? I would think so.

It has become known to me that I called the encounter an "assault", which implies guilt. As no trial or ruling has been made on this encounter, I formally apologize to Captain Aramis Seablade for my slander.

I got a better idea, let Ser Okna handle it.
