Requesting: Report of Events Near Noxfell regarding the family Varov


Alliance Rules
Chicago Staff
Good Evening to the Denizens of Atupal. This is Count Uralis Tillbane.

On the Twenty Eighth day of the Tenth month of the Five-Hundred-Twenty-Third year of the Gavarian Calendar, I sent an emissary to the denizens of Atupal (hereto referred to as 'the Adventurers') regarding a potential lead of information regarding the information of former Barrister, Magnus Varov. The Adventurers entered his former home where they later emerged with Magnus's wife and child, Celeste and Anya Varov. They also returned with the body of an escaped prisoner of Passwall scheduled for execution.

Based on brief testimony of those present and previous investigations into the matter, it would appear that this prisoner and several others were abducted by either Magnus or a member of his family. Adventurers returned to Noxfell where they spirit walked back to Atupal with Celeste and Anya Varov in custody. No further information has been made available to me at this time. I am officially requesting Celeste and Anya Varov be brought to Rinnling for questioning, be it within the powers of the Adventurers to do so. Additionally, Adventurers are requested to provide testimony as to whether Magnus Varov has been sighted, or if any new information has come to light in regard to him. In the event these requests do not take place within the next few months, a solicitor shall be sent to Atupal the next time adventurers congregate there in large numbers. This solicitor shall arrive only to collect voluntary testimony of those present before the Courts determine the next course of action.

Count Uralis Tillbane of East Passwall