

I really want to like this skill, but I'm having a hard time seeing where it fits into the system.

For reference:
Resolute: The Resolute skill allows a character to reduce the damage from any damaging attack (no matter what qualifier is used) that would take them below 0 Body Points to an amount that would bring them to 1 Body Point. Note that this *will* work to mitigate a Terminate or Eviscerate (as they effectively reduce you to a Body Point amount less than 0). This will not prevent other effects from the attack (such as Death, armor damage, or another weapon carrier). The skill may be used once per day per purchase.

When using this skill, the character must call "Resolute".
It looks really good on paper and I was exited to try it out, but in practice its utility is negated by repeat damage. Given how easy it is to bypass along with its high build cost and prerequisite (1 per 50, 5 build for a Fighter) I am struggling to see the value in purchasing it over other skills.

Does anyone who has already playtested this ability have any insight into how it can be effectively used in its current form?
I thought it looked bad on paper. And I think racial resolute is terrible for a race that should be decent fighters.

I think the problem is that resolute doesn't let you be all you can't be. If a better fighter is attacking you, even multiple resolute won't save you. It needs a timer, like you can't go below 1 hit point for the next 3 seconds or something.
I think its just another keeping me alive skill. I didn't think it was worth the build but it might have been a skill that I'd take after taking my 100 crtits
In function its greatest benefit is that it's a fighter skill that works against spells; in a world without cloak items it's a much bigger deal than it appears at first glance.
Admittedly it does buggerall against status effects, but their are no perfect skills. It may be true that the costs are out of whack, however.
By the way its written it doesnt mention that it works on spells. "This will not prevent other effects from the attack (such as Death, armor damage, or another weapon carrier)." and it also mentions "Note that this *will* work to mitigate a Terminate or Eviscerate". I think if it worked on spells they would have put "this also works on spells".
Yeah I did not get that it worked against spell damage. But damage spells are probably the s fighters fear least.
I'm not sure about spells, per se. But, based on the wording, I am convinced it works against elemental damage attacks and the like. Is a spell an attack? I don't know. But I am sure that 50 elemental lightning is an attack and would be covered by this.

The key phrase here is "any damaging attack". Literally any combination of "<number> <qualifier> <carrier>" you can think of, this skill works on it. Just not the one a half second behind it (unless you have another), which is the root of my concern (and playtesting experience).

Because the skill's usefulness is dependent on not getting hit with a followup attack, the situations in which Resolute will save you are mostly the same situations where you least need it.

Conversely, when I would actually want a skill like this is when I'm under heavy fire and desperately need to not fall down, but these are the times that Resolute is least likely to be successful.

It's really not horrible, but it's intensely situational and doesn't (in my opinion) justify its cost and high prerequisite. At 3 build I might think about it if I had build to burn, but only if there was nothing else to buy.
Yeah, I don't hate the idea of a version of Resolute that prevents you from going below 1 body for 5 seconds. That does end up feeling more like a full blown capstone skill that you'd need a reaaaaally good reason to not take.
For those who currently don't like it...

Would it be a better skill if it reduced you to 0 body when you were reduced to -1? Sure, you are unconscious, but you are stable and unlikely to get hit again.

For those who currently don't like it...

Would it be a better skill if it reduced you to 0 body when you were reduced to -1? Sure, you are unconscious, but you are stable and unlikely to get hit again.

Ooohhh! I like that.
For those who currently don't like it...

Would it be a better skill if it reduced you to 0 body when you were reduced to -1? Sure, you are unconscious, but you are stable and unlikely to get hit again.


Not likely. From my experience with combat, even if someone's falling down, the attacker still takes one or two more swings at them anyway... just because of the natural processing delay we humans have.

I do think it'd be better as a drop you to 1, and make you immune to further numbers damage for 5 seconds. You still wouldn't be immune to carriers, but it would at least give you the same amount of time as a disarm to GTFO.
Can you use an Evade then Resolute? There by canceling out the carrier and then dropping to 1 body?
For those who currently don't like it...

Would it be a better skill if it reduced you to 0 body when you were reduced to -1? Sure, you are unconscious, but you are stable and unlikely to get hit again.

Not for me. I still end up on the ground like a chump instead holding my ground like a hero. I would a RP requirement, just a few words up to the player (you shall not pass) and then make it so you can't be reduced below 1 for a few seconds. 5 may be too strong though.
If you changed it to immunity for 5 seconds, you would probably also have to add a caveat that you can't attack during that 5 seconds. Otherwise I can see some really big abuses where you chain Resolutes, ignore defense, and just go to town on a target.

If you changed it to immunity for 5 seconds, you would probably also have to add a caveat that you can't attack during that 5 seconds. Otherwise I can see some really big abuses where you chain Resolutes, ignore defense, and just go to town on a target.

Or perhaps no other skill use? If you have 5 seconds of ignoring damage but can't defend yourself from status effects/carriers/etc and can only swing your prof damage that seems a pretty effective limitation.
Chaining resolute doesn't do anything about binding, commands, disarms, drains, or other status effects. If you're looking for a class defining skill, 5 seconds to fight for your life is pretty good, and at 100 build per it's going to be a rare ability.
Chaining resolute doesn't do anything about binding, commands, disarms, drains, or other status effects. If you're looking for a class defining skill, 5 seconds to fight for your life is pretty good, and at 100 build per it's going to be a rare ability.

100 build per? The document I read today said 50 build per. Are you out of date or is the playtest document out of date?

I think a bit of both, actually. There are some additional discussions at the owner level that have implications for this, but they are not ready to be playtested yet.