Results of my Question

Player Involvement In Stories


--?There should be mods for small groups. Large missions are great and all that, but they don't have nearly the same "personal" feeling or impact. If I go on a mission, I want to make a difference
--I like plotines that get everyone involved and have pc's go all over the place looking for treasure &/or helping someone/being mercenaries
--What do you want to see more of? More "all-encomapssing" storylines and/or mods. Plot-experience at other games has shown me that targeting a small group for mods, while seemingly productive, *isn't*. You end up with players of lower-level characters rather angry, and less likely to be having fun. THis means they're not coming back.
-- I don't want to be just another person in the Adventurer's Mob of the night.?
-- I want to see less "exclusionary" mods.
--When writing a mod, ask: ?How can players get involved with this.? Player involvement is important.
-- ?Town mods. I hate town mods. When the big thing of the weekend goes on, I don?t want to take everyone with. ?Everyone? is a liability. It makes no sense IG to do it, but OOG I don?t want to leave anyone out. So it happens anyways. Better would be to have several things going on at once. Split the town into groups, and double hook it up a bit.?
--Unless a plotline is specific to a character-history or to a race, it could be inclusive to everyone, and involve as many people as possible.
--?Get the players involved as much as possible?
--It is best when everyone has a chance to do something.
--I like mods that involve me and 4 to 6 friends
--I like a mix of town-sized-mods and small-group mods. It is really fun work together with everyone in town to accomplish a goal. However, it is very difficult to create meaningful RP while with such a large group of people. If it weren't for the small (6-10 people) mods that I have been on, I would have become VERY BORED of NERO long ago.
Bad Guys


--Large, menacing, and evil forces don?t always have to be destroyed. Plot usually sets them up to be destroyed by PCs, however. What if they could just continue to exist?
--for some players, game enjoyment is increased if they know that they can do bad things and get away with it.
--?I would also like to see some long term "bad guys". Smart ones. Ones that kick the crap outta people who screw up. They don't have to be "all powerful", but a group or two of longterm villians is always good for the campaign.?
--?When I ran plot, some of my best liked NPCs where the insightful and smart villians who couldn't get ousted. Nothing ruffled PCs more then getting beat at their own game. I used to setup various mods where PCs and NPC were competing for the same goal, and many times the PCs got there just in time to see the NPCs riding into the sunset.?
Chrunchies Are For Newbies

(a side note to PCs)​

--?I'd really like to see less of the uber characters splatting the crunchies that do come out before the ones that could have fun with them and whom the crunchies would be a challenge for have a chance to even smell them let alone try to kill them.? ((of course this is a problem that cannot be solved by plot, but by characters.))
--?I would like to see [less of the highbies killing crunchies] as well. While NERO is a roleplaying game, players have to work well with plot and put some thinking effort in. Obviously it's fine to have a "thing" against kobolds, but if you are 25th level and specifically smiting them down all the time you are probably taking plot energy and resources away from someone else's enjoyment.?
--Players should: ?Try to keep RP going, while realizing the OOG mechanics of the game. Don't chew on the bone intended for the newer characters/players (because we obviously want them to have fun and come back for more!)?

(here?s the stuff that could be categorized, or that I forgot to include with the other stuff)

--I want to see more food.
--?Give players a big fight before logistics on Saturday and at the end of the game on Sunday so they can feel like they used all their abilities.?
--I like the moments of unexpected charicter RP, where the charicters are fully imursed into the game, and dont even seem to notice it.
--It is boring if the players have to sit for an hour and solve a puzzle. It is more enjoyable for players to have an urgent task to complete, with moments to spare.
--I would like to see more people paying characters to do things, and less treasure on monsters.
-- Things I want to see less of: random combats, player vs player stuff, wake up calls.
--?As far as putting things together goes, I like puzzles. However, I hate small puzzles on mods. If the only way to get through the magic door is to build a kitten out of these 47 pieces of wood, there are going to be some very bored people on the mod. If only two or three people can work on a puzzle at a time, then have something else for everyone to do. Hold back the baddies while the three puzzle do-ers get the door open, or make the puzzle something that everyone can help on, or make it a puzzle that only takes a few minutes.?
--?I would like to see less of the long pauses where nothing happens for a LONG time.?
--?I want to see less 'new rules' and 'rules of the month' and generally things that are not covered in the rule book, the addendum, scrolls in the case of formal magic or the other nationally distributed databases (monster/treasure/whatnot).?
--one aspect of mods that a player likes to see is new/unique ideas/puzzles/traps
--I like it when plot does something that I?m not used to. New rules, new kinds of monsters, are things that are interesting and keep me on my toes.
--I like the idea of more rescue missions, and paid mods.
--?I like the world to be real. I like being able to suspend my disbelief and become another character for a while.?
--? I want to see less "attack the tavern/town" encounters. I want to see less 'freaky weird stuff'. I want to see less creatures who's stats don't make sense. I want to see less creatures with innate resist <effect> or immune to <effect>.?
--PLAYERS SHOULD NOT BE SPECTATORS! If a plotline will be resolved in the same way no matter what the players do, it is a bad plotline.
--?I like it when every PC can do something. Almost no matter what is happening there is always something for everyone to do, BESIDES sitting around a fire or lazing in the bar. Weaker PC's should be able to participate in most things, even if its not a large part, they should still be there.?
I'm Done

I'M DONE!!!!! HA HA HA HAAAAAA! That only cost me two hours...AND MY SANITY!!

*ahem* anyway, I have come to several conclusions about all the stuff mentioned above, but I'm SO sick of being in front of a computer, I'll wait until tomorrow to post it.

So, good night all you crazy people!

is THIS what you were doing until all hours of the night last night.. wow.. i'm kinda surprised it only took you two hours.. good job though. -Carmen
Triana_Devorjk said:
is THIS what you were doing until all hours of the night last night.. wow.. i'm kinda surprised it only took you two hours.. good job though. -Carmen

Well, actually, I probably spent at least ten hours gathering, pondering, and condensing the information. It just took two hours to transfer it from Microsoft Word to the message board (look at the times of the posts if you don't believe me).

Yeah. I really should do homework now.

This is great stuff, Hayley. Thanks for going to all of that effort. =)
Hayley...If I would have even tried to do that I would have quit after the first ten minutes...hehehe...good job!! man I feel like a teacher saying good job to one of my students.... :eek:
Thanks for the encouragement, guys! I probably won't have time to report my conclusions/summery of my findings until after this weekend though (too much homework). But this has all been very interesting.