Alistar Khol
A buddy and I are trying to get back into the LARP scene after a long hiatus. We used to play at a relatively local NERO Intl. chapter until it gave way to enormous amounts of custom play tests and power gaming, not to mention the plot seemed to revolve around a very small group of players that made it to every event.
All that said, my intent wasn't to come here and bash anyone. I'm merely trying to give an inside look at our LARP experience so that my next questions don't offend.
First off, were coming a long way (should be approximately a 6 hour trip) and it would be a real shame if we came all that way only to sit in a tavern for the entire event. I guess I'd like to know if you have the ability to run low level modules so we don't have to sit on our hands all day. I understand that we might not get into the primary plot in our first event and that's totally understandable.
Our plan is to come in for the November event. We're both trying to figure out what out schedules are like for that month (we're both in the army and unfortunately our drill weekends almost never coincide with each other), but we should both know fairly shortly when and if we will be able to come. So basically how would one go about pre-registering for an event and how much notice do you need?
Beyond that I'm just curious as to how many people are in your chapter and how many are actually planning on coming to the November event? I'd also love to hear any feedback you can provide about your chapter as a whole. I look forward to hearing back from you all.
All that said, my intent wasn't to come here and bash anyone. I'm merely trying to give an inside look at our LARP experience so that my next questions don't offend.
First off, were coming a long way (should be approximately a 6 hour trip) and it would be a real shame if we came all that way only to sit in a tavern for the entire event. I guess I'd like to know if you have the ability to run low level modules so we don't have to sit on our hands all day. I understand that we might not get into the primary plot in our first event and that's totally understandable.
Our plan is to come in for the November event. We're both trying to figure out what out schedules are like for that month (we're both in the army and unfortunately our drill weekends almost never coincide with each other), but we should both know fairly shortly when and if we will be able to come. So basically how would one go about pre-registering for an event and how much notice do you need?
Beyond that I'm just curious as to how many people are in your chapter and how many are actually planning on coming to the November event? I'd also love to hear any feedback you can provide about your chapter as a whole. I look forward to hearing back from you all.