Returning player after a loooong time away...


I used to play around 8 or 9 years ago as Avaldamon the barbarian before I left for the military. I'm getting out soon and will be moving back to town, so I'd like to get back into the game. Can somebody point me in the right direction to get started up again? Thanks in advance!

--Lee Striebich
I'd recommend getting in contact with Amy Herald as she is our head of logistics, to see if you are updated in our logistics, or if you are even in it at the moment.
You could also get a hold of Chris Thetford, he is owner and current head of plot.

They are both fairly easy to get a hold of. Glad to see old faces. :)
I sent an email to logistics on the first but haven't gotten a reply yet... No real rush I guess though, I have a week or two until I'm back in town.
welcome back
Welcome back Lee :). You did the right thing by emailing Amy first, she will be able to get you on track logistically. If you need anything else or have any questions feel free to direct them to me at Glad you are back after so long :). See you soon!
Thanks all! I'm really lookin forward to getting back into things, I just hope I still remember how to swing a sword, lol
Just like riding a bike :).