Reviews/Favorite Moments 9-28 [Twinspire]

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Don't forget to submit your event summaries for gobbies and so we can work on improving our game!

Alright people, you know the drill. What were your favorite moments at our last event "Escalation"?

- The look on the Ashen Spire members' face as they learned their orders old keep was infested, as well as reactions to some of the other information they learned.
- The myriad comments about Master Cynerus' unique 'hair'.
- A conversation Sony and I had about Fenstermacher's epic beard. True behind the scenes hilarity ensued.
I accidentally started a "favorite moments" thread at the same time, so I'm going to copy my moments into this one and then Brandon will delete mine.


Losing my shield just as we gated out at the end of the final battle was a perfect storm of hilarity and "oh, for ****'s sake." It's probably just me but I'm still amused.

Going into the spirit realm. Many interesting mechanics and always fun to do something so different, and then the discussions about 'what happens if we try to wake up in someone else's body?'

And in the final battle, I finally got to tootle my bugle! And if you didn't immediately think that was a terrible euphemism, I don't know why we're even talking.

What else've people got?
- Attempting to reason with a goblin only to not have candy, grapes, or any sweets on hand. Attempting to reason again mid-battle and a goblin going "Huh? Are you distracting the humans?" and completely stalling things

- Forgetting to heal a farmer before waylay and then wondering why he dissipated

- Forgetting to ask an old Ashen Spire's spirit his name before he was absorbed into a sword and then everyone realizing it afterward.

Good stuff overall.
-Boulders landing on tails.

-Kali's cool plan to solve my plot by singing "Kumbayah"

-The golem masks.

-How much we all love trees.
Ow my tail.

Ow my tail... again.

Buying a fight.

Being the last one out... only to turn around and have Resete still there to have my back just in case. I <3 the shady gypsy. :)
Inaryn said:
Being the last one out... only to turn around and have Resete still there to have my back just in case. I <3 the shady gypsy. :)

Yeah, I don't know what's come over me lately. Doing things without compensation, being "Noble" and looking out for others......

What would my family think of what I'm becoming?

As for my moments:

The innuendo that kept spewing out of half a dozen people, and the not so subtle comments as well.
Evergreen - "Anyone want to help me with a mysterious and exotic box?"
Me - "Stay away from my wife!"

Having people try and figure out how to open said box, then have them hand it to me and me pop two of the three locks in under 15 seconds. Kart got the third, but only because I didn't want to seem too superior. ;)

Having a coded message and, although we couldn't figure out the cipher, using good ol' code breaking to decode the message with some help from Kart and Nyrani.
Naked adventure time!

The cool creatures in the mine!

Feeling effective!

Blocking a shot while blindfolded!

Firming up my adventuring group, business, and making in roads with other teams.

The vulture pit trap mod was super fun and well designed and part of a cool story! I enjoyed all the mods I did, but this was my favorite.

Boulder dodging and Nyrani's ill fated placement of her tail during armor refitting. Ouch!