Reward for Information and Research


Colorado Staff
Hello townsfolk of Wayside,
You may have met me, I am the adventurer known as Davion. I have come to your town and have met many wonderful adventurers and people. I have enjoyed your company so much, I am resolved to come to each market day that I am able. As you send aid to Hopes Reach as we struggle against the corrupt, I too wish to help your lands against injustice and corruption.

Before I begin in my request, I will let you know that I am being purposefully vague, or leaving out names, because this dream may reach anyone.

As many of you know, some have been infected with an animal infection, similar to rabies. These people cannot be cured by any known alchemical elixir I can produce, nor can any earth scholar lay hands to purify them. This is what aid I ask you for.

I will be paying for any information about the condition, possible cures, possible alleviations, elixirs to control or reinforce the mind against the condition, recipes, spells or rituals that pertain to the condition. I am purchasing absolutely any and all information I can find until I am the most knowledgeable person about the condition in the four corners of the world. I will be paying 1 silver to 1 gold for any piece of information I have not already collected (I will be carrying around a list of information, as well as a ledge for who I owe). There will be an additional 5 gold reward to whoever can bring me information that leads to a method of maintaining the mind of the person with the condition.

As this matter is urgent, if at all possible, please send me a missive as quickly as possible. The harvest market may be too late.

My sincerest thanks,
Hunter Davion