

Rez is a very awesome game. It was a lauch/near launch title for PS2/Dreamcast. The game is essentially a rail-shooter. You have no control of your characters' pace as he/she/it traverses digital landscapes. The worlds you travel in are reminiscent of Lawnmower Man, or Tron. You are the digital avatar of a hacker trying to breach the security of a network of super computers. The game would be pretty lame, if it weren't for the way sound and visuals were implemented. As you are flying through the cyberscape targeting enemies and releasing lasers (or whatever) a really cool techno beat is playing in the background. Every so often an object appears that you must take out, and in doing so, adds a layer to the song. As you blow away enemies, it adds beats and sounds to the song. So as you're playing, you also alter the music. It's a great experience, and pretty addicting. Rez was recently re-released on Xbox Live Arcade in HD (it also has a non HD setting). I think it's well worth it for any one who enjoys fast paced shooter action, good music, and the abilities to manipulate said music. Priced at 800 MS points, or roughly 8 bucks to download.
Aye, as the MS download is FAR cheeper then an actual copy of it for PS2. I forked over $32 for mine several years ago, and its still, in a way, the most soothing game I think I may ever have played. Its pretty chill, as it even has a specific mode thats basically just for playing around in. Comes highly recommended.