Ribbons or Rae'bon or Ribbons?

Dhis has me confused. Dhere eez dhe Ribbons dhat I owed a favor to and dhe Ribbons or Rae'bon dhat...vhell...I am nye certain dhat dhere eez a gentle way to say vhat him has done.

I ask now eef dhese are dhe same people?

Eit'er way,


Deal off.

Fortune and Love,

Deal off? A favor owed is a favor owed. If you welch on a deal, it may come back to haunt you.


Ya ever heard a don't make a deal with a dealer?
ah can't bring her ta justice fur you since she's not a citizen of valdanis. But, in da interest of making sure we all know wut not ta cut a deal on with Marcena... wanna tell us anyways?

Certes. I promised him a favor in return for dhe location of mi mama. He did nye deliver.

Do nye deal wit' Romani familia 'less you intend to deliver. Dhis favor dhat he says I owe him has stood for o'er a year wit' not'ing but heartache to show for it.

Deal off.

Unless you come right out and tell me now what you know and deliver what was promised to me all dhat time ago.

~Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea Dagon
It would be my pleasure to tell ya what you would like to know. However, I don think that it would be in the best interest for you or your mother to have her where abouts to be let known to the general public. Savy? I will journey from the isles to seek you out my lady, so that I might make good on my part so that you might make good on yours. I will even do you one better, I will take you to her. That wet the appetite love?

Her location is a carefully guarded secret that I only kept a secret on her request. OK, so I fibbed a bit on how I got her bracers, which look ever so lovely on your wrists dear. Only thing is, is timing, timing. As with most places where we seagoing monetary agents hide things, they depend on the proper alignments of stars, tides and other such nonsence.

Captain Ribbons,

Let me give ya an escort from da port to da camp. Please forward me your timing or sent a messenger pigeon when the tide draws near.

AllianceCHI said:

Ya ever heard a don't make a deal with a dealer?
ah can't bring her ta justice fur you since she's not a citizen of valdanis. But, in da interest of making sure we all know wut not ta cut a deal on with Marcena... wanna tell us anyways?


I did nye deserve dhat Je'an. I am at dhe very leas' honorable and had a very good reason nye to call Ribbons out on him faultful "deal".

Love And Good Fortune,

I'm afraid I disagree Marcena,

In life, one finds offinse if dey look fur it. Did ah call you a liar? Did I call you a thief? Did ah call you dishonorable? No. I called ya a dealer; a persin skilled in the craft of brokering a deal dhey specificly benefit from more than the other often by finding something of greater perceived value and trading it for something of higher value. The economy of Vadanis is full merchants but a dealer or broker is someone who can trade in any manner of coin skillfully and in capitalist fashion. The quote above is the commonly accepted reciprocal to the merchants adage... "buyer beware".

Yar reasoning reniggin on yar deal is sound if not flawed but nonetheless it is yar right ta deal with whatever manner of person you wish as it is theirs to choose to do so or not. Ah wont question your honor publicly but remember someone who has ta remind other's dey honorable might not be dat honorable.


Squire Jehan
Grazie Jehan...is vhy I say somet'ing. I got confused. If dhis is dhe way you t'ink of dhe word "dealer" dhen is fine. Is a cross-culture reference. It is oft' used as a term of fraud and ill will vhere I am from.

Now dhe "bring to justice" part? I am at least protected under dhe Laws of Valdanis beneat' dhe "all familia, caravans, and tribes dhat wander dhe lands of Valdanis". Does dhis make me a citizen? I do nye know, I 'ave ne'er been a citizen.

I see your desire to act as a moderator should t'ings go awry and if any crime is being committed here. I would keep you posted if dhere was, Squire.

And are dhe rumors true?! Are you really an elf now? :shock:

Fortune And Love Never Forget Your Face,

Leonato is not a part of Valdanis and as such unless ya submit ta da laws of da land ya cannot be afforded their protection. If ya hold yarself accountable ta da nobles of Valdanis and ta its properly applied laws then yes you would be considered protected by da laws of such.
Yes it is true... I am in an elf body fur now. Who tshared this or is this another thing your Opa or the wind told ya?

Salamis is on dhe map of Valdanis. I could point out to you si you want.

But I do hold myself accountable to dhe nobility of Valdanis. Perhaps my seemingly heathan ways said ot'erwise. I have since learned dhe value of dhis.

Ah, call it dhe winds, but word gets 'round. Would I had dhe speed of gossip for I would be home again!

Salamis and Leonato while on the map are not official parts of Valdanis. Nor do they have diplomatic relations with King Deafell. As such, you are not a citizen.

If you choose to submit to the laws of these lands than you are also to be protected by them and as Squire it is my duty to do both to the fullest extent of my skills.

Ah, dhen dhis esplains a lot. Salamis...vhile it does technically have a ruling faction, dhis ruling faction does nye rule. If you can make sense of dhis. I have ne'er seen nobility in Salamis, much less Leonato do anyt'ing ot'er dhan what everybody does in Leonato. Dhey jus' seem to have more money to spend on dhe hounds. :)

Mayhap I speak wit' an ambassador from Valdanis about dhis. Is interesting. Grazie for bringing dhis to mi attention.
Marcena said:
Ah, dhen dhis esplains a lot. Salamis...vhile it does technically have a ruling faction, dhis ruling faction does nye rule. If you can make sense of dhis. I have ne'er seen nobility in Salamis, much less Leonato do anyt'ing ot'er dhan what everybody does in Leonato. Dhey jus' seem to have more money to spend on dhe hounds. :)

Mayhap I speak wit' an ambassador from Valdanis about dhis. Is interesting. Grazie for bringing dhis to mi attention.


You're an ambassador of Leonato now? Knowledge of powerful ritual magics... the winds themselves speak to you... now an ambassador... are you a dragon mage or something?

Nye! Read dhat closer Stoneskull, I am jus' LOOKING for an ambassador, seely gorgio! :D

I am jus' curious. I mean nye harm to anyone.

I jus' learn t'ings easy. Vhat can I say?

Fortune And Love Never Leave Thee Behind,

Marcena said:
Nye! Read dhat closer Stoneskull, I am jus' LOOKING for an ambassador, seely gorgio! :D

I am jus' curious. I mean nye harm to anyone.

I jus' learn t'ings easy. Vhat can I say?

Fortune And Love Never Leave Thee Behind,



I read what I read.... you're calling for an ambassador to speak with... you must be one too, or a noble of some kind, to request an audience of a noble...

and "learning things quick"? Kobolds learn things quick... I can't wrap my head around just how fast you learn things...

And vhat is so wrong wit' how fast I learn t'ings? Seems to be a topic of interest. Bot' mi mama and mi yia yia are schoolteachers and mi opa is a formalist, makes sense, nye?

Fortune And Love,
